Chapter 1

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"That was my same reaction to his name. It's coincidental if you ask me that he was named such while also his supposed origin and gifted abilities."


"Something on your mind, Welt?"

"Nothing much. It just seems like you've picked out quite the ally." Welt Yang glanced over the image of Messiah.

"That's all you have to say?" Himeko asked the man. "Not even something like if I thought he was lying, or if he delusional for believing that his role is to be a savior of mankind?"

"Honestly...even if it sounds quite unbelievable. There are many things that I've seen and heard throughout my lifetime...if a man is told that he is the savior of man, the genuine Messiah, who also harbors the title as his won't shock me one bit."

"Not even a tiny bit?" Himeko pushed forth.

"Well...maybe a bit. This is the 'Messiah' we're speaking of. If what you've picked up is the genuine article, then I'll have to give you points on getting such a reliable ally on our side." Welt praised Himeko as he felt slight amusement at the news that he received as soon as he and the rest of the Express Crew got picked up from their completed mission.

"It took a lot of luck just managing to find his whereabouts. It's relieving to know that I encountered first before anyone else who might have also had their eyes on him."

"You think anyone else could've been searching for him?" Welt raised a brow.

"With the way things doubt." Himeko shook her head with a pensive expression. "So far the rumors that I've heard turned out to be true from the looks of it. I asked people who were healed by Messiah and they all said the same thing. That they were healed of any illness that they've had. It can range from a minor cold to something that might be terminal."

"Terminal..." Welt's gaze sharpened at the information as he saw Himeko nod her head.

"When speaking to him, he went into depth about how he was born with his abilities. He had his hand out and I saw a light form around it. It radiated with was a little fraction of his power no doubt. But..." Himeko paused. "I could feel the amount of power radiating from his hand. I felt at ease...stress slowly leaving my body and my mind being cleared." She thought back to the event that occurred as she sighs.

"Interesting..." Welt blinked as he noticed how at ease Himeko looked. "Do you believe the others will get along with our new ally?"

"I think they'll all get along just fine. Back then, it was just March 7th and Dan Heng, then Stelle came along as well. And now, another joins the Astral Express Crew. Our Crew increased in size didn't it?" Himeko asked with a smile.

"Frankly, that makes things a lot better for our part. Given his supposed abilities, a supporter like that is just what we needed." Welt said with thought. "By the way, have the others met him already?"

"Yay! We now have another member in our group!"

"Does that answer your question?" Himeko smirked as a loud voice was heard through the other room.

"*Sigh* Ruckus..." Pom-Pom muttered while shaking their head. "I hope this one behaves as well." Pom-Pom looked over at Himeko.

"So far from my understanding, he's soft-spoken and cooperative." Himeko told the conductor. "Don't worry about Messiah, Pom-Pom. He seems to be good-natured."

*Wobble* *Wobble*

Pom-Pom walked over to Himeko slowly. "Seems is just an assumption. I will have to see for myself that this new passenger is good-natured."

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