Chapter 7

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The feeling of being a tad stronger flowed through him. He is sure that the others also feel the boost that came from Yukong as they got buffed by her skill. Skill points are scarce and they only have one.

The Trampler went ahead and slammed down on them all again. Immediately they were damaged while Mr. Svarog counterattacked for the second time. The robot and child duo now ran out of counters as they can only counter two times. To replenish and have two more counters, Clara must fill her ultimate gauge again and use her ultimate.


Great... He stared at the target icon that was placed on him by staring at the screen that showed his health and everything. Seems like the Trampler is still a tad angry at him as it now had its bow nocked back and charging up, all the while aiming at him once its turn arrives.

The downed Reaver got up and had its shield back. It lunged at Yukong and did a basic attack. Only a bit of damage was done to Yukong as her health went down by a slither.

The cycle was back to Bronya due to her having the most SPD out of all of them. With one skill point left, she did a basic attack to recover another point as she shot the Reaver and damaged it slightly, the enemy's health dropped to 15%.

"Hide." Mr. Svarog appeared as Clara went behind the robot and hid by his legs. "Commencing Annihilation." A barrage of missiles shot forth toward both the enemies. The Reaver fell and dispersed into nothingness as it died.

It's time! Clara thought as her ultimate gauge was now filled. She looked at the Trampler that threatened to defeat them. "I want to protect everyone, too..." She closed her eyes. "Help me, Mr. Svarog!" She cried out as the robot appeared behind her once again, protectively towering over her with his singular eye glowing. She had gained DMG Reduction in the process and she now had two more counters stacked to be used.

"The wind is rising." Yukong gripped her bow as she began to activate her Ultimate. "Cloudkites, formation! Bolt from the blue!" She was in the air with the string of her bow pulled back. She shot right at the Trampler and hit it directly causing a good chunk of its shield to drop down to 50%.

"Let's see." Messiah closed his eyes as he began to think of a weapon. Shifting through an imaginary compendium, he found the correct weapon as his weapon altered. "Bash." With a giant shield, he jumped toward the Trampler, slammed down his shield, and returned to the others. The damage was relatively weak but he did drop the Trampler's bar to 43%.

Offense isn't the only thing that should be relied on.

The Trampler released the arrow his way. It bolted toward him as it proceeded to hit his shield which he put up last second to absorb most of the damage.

Defense should also be considered in the mock of battle.

"A shield huh? Of course, why wouldn't you have that as well?" Yukong quipped as she found herself rather impressed at the quick thinking of shifting to a defensive state so that the damage toll would be less.

The Trampler went again to attack, hitting everyone with its AOE attack.

"You'll pay for this." A surge of freezing breeze began to form around them, the floor beneath them froze as her ultimate gauge was filled and her grip on her weapon was pointing upward. "We've entered the storm. To guard and defend, crush them!" With the point of her weapon shining, she aimed ahead at the enemy as the party of four was enhanced.

Clara's turn arrived and there was no need to think of the following action. Mr. Svarog continued to do his duty as he attacked. The duo broke a bit more of the bar, dropping it to 32%.

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