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I went to bed. I didn't know what else to do. There were loud knocks on our door around 3 am. Both Josh and I woke up.
"Who the fuck is up at 3 am?" Josh says walking up to the door. He opens it and it was Janette.
"Babe? What are you doing at-"
"Move outta the way."
"What?" She pushes Josh away and comes at me.
"You! What the fuck did you do with Chrissy? Huh? Your girlfriend for over 6 years is there crying! She called me and told me what happened! HOW? ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY! WHAT THE HELL?"
"I didn't do anything"
"I know. She's amazing and special and everything I want in a girl. That's why I wouldn't cheat on her. I didn't kiss Chrissy and I need you and her to believe me." I replied. Janette was quiet now.
"I'm gonna let you two get back to bed... Umm goodnight."
"Goodnight baby." Josh says to Janette and closes the door.
"So umm.... Is everything good between you and Sophie?"
"I don't know. I just want sleep."
"Yeah you're right. Goodnight."
We both went to bed.

A few hours later we woke up
"Want eggs?" Josh asked while I looked for a shirt.
"Nah. I'll probably get some after the gym."
"Ight cool."
"See ya in a few hours."
"Ight see you."
I close the door. As soon as I closed the door Sophie also came out.
"Uhh hey Sophie. How.. how are you?"
"Good. Where you headed?"
"I'm headed to the gym and maybe a pickup ball game with the boys later. Where uhh where you going?"
"Get some mail and finishing some chores done."
"Yeah can we talk?"
"Yeah. I wanted to talk too."
"Lets walk downstairs I have a feeling our roommates are listening to us."
"No we aren't!"
"Yeah no we aren't." We both laugh and head downstairs to the main lobby.
"Ok listen. I know last night was intense and weird but I'll always love you. Ever since I saw you sipping your juice box in Grade 3 i knew you were the one." She laughed.
"Ok I'll try to be serious now"
"Oh this is gonna be good"
"Shh you're not helping. Ok here I go. Whoever dropped that note on our table will not destroy us and what we have. You are everything for me. More important that my career, more important than anything you can name."
"Even hockey?"
"Ok not hockey?"
"Ugh dick" she slaps me on my chest.
"I'm playing. I love you more than hockey"
"I know Tay. I know. I love you just as much. It's just that, that note got me all paranoid and shit. It got to me. But I'm not gonna let them ruin us."
"So we good now?"
"Yes Tay. We are good now."
"Ok let me just tell me side girl then."
"Still playin' "
"Better be. Let me get my mail and then we can go get breakfast."
"Ight. I'll be here." She walks away
"Hey Sophie"
"Yeah?" She says turning around.
"Your ass looks great"
"My eyes are up here."
"And my eyes are down there. Oh my!"
She laughs and goes to the mail box. She opens it and grabs some mail. She looks through them and stops at one.
"Tay! Tay come here really quick." I rush over there.
"Yeah what's wrong?"
"It's another letter labelled 'SJ'."
I grab it from her.
"Cmon lets go upstairs." We go upstairs and into my room and I close the door. Janette and Josh were in the room already.
"Hey look at that. They're back together. That's good." Josh said.
"Sophie got another letter."
"Another one?" Janette asked. I showed her.
"Open it. See what's inside" Josh said. I look at Sophie. She had a scared look but nodded slowly.
"Alright. Here we go." I open the letter. I unfold the paper and begin reading.
'So now that you know I was lying you can take me seriously now. By now your boyfriend probably told you something like 'Oh baby I'm not gonna let this person ruin what we have'. I pause for a moment.
"Ok that's kinda creepy."
"I agree" Janette said.
I continue reading.
'So first I showed you what your 'perfect' boyfriend did. You may have forgiven him but what if he's a good liar? There's always two sides of a story isn't there? Why don't you ask Chrissy what happened in the elevator?"

I look up at Sophie. She had a concerned look on her face.
"Sophie...babe listen. have to trust me. I'm certain that Chrissy will say nothing happened. I know she's a bit of a ..... "
"A bitch?"
"Yeah thank you. But I'm telling you that she'll tell the truth about what happened in the elevator." There was a silent.
"Fine. We'll go talk to her."
"Does anybody know where she is?"
"Probably with Matthew" Josh said. As he said that he faked throwing up.
"Let's check her room."
"Ight lets go." We head up to her floor. We get to her door and I knock.
"Hey Chrissy? You in there?" I move the handle a little and it opened.
"Should we go in?" Sophie asked.
"That's what she said" I said quietly.
"Sorry?" Sophie said.
"Uh I said maybe..."
I walk in and say
"Hey Chrissy? It's me. Taylor. Where are you? We need to talk." I go through the kitchen and pass the living room.
"Does anybody else smell candles?"
"No..." Sophie said.
"Josh and Janette can you keep watch. Tell us if anybody's coming."
"Ok" Josh said as they stay at the door. Sophie caught up with me.
"Oh I smell the candles now. It's coming from the bedroom over there."
"Do you think they're...?"I whisper.
"Oh god. I hope not." she whispers.
"Let's go. Quietly." I slowly go to the door of the bedroom. Sophie and I stand up against the wall. I signal
'1....2....3..' And I peak around the corner. I saw Chrissy. No Matthew. Chrissy was sitting there. Against the wall. Holding a note and crying. I look at Sophie and whisper
"She's crying....."
"I don't know Soph.. Let's sneak back to the door and we'll call her again."
"Ok..." This time Sophie went first. I waited a while then I went. Sophie made it to a closet when all of a sudden the floor creaks. It was loud and noticeable.
"Hello? Is anybody in here?" Chrissy said from her room. I froze and so did Sophie.
"Sophie. Quick. Get in the fucking closet. Hide quick."
"Janette! Run!" She whispers as loud as she could. Josh and Janette ran. Sophie quickly jumped in the closet and I moved up a little and stood beside Chrissy's dining table. I turn around.
"Taylor?" She said as she came out the room.
" Hey Chrissy.... I was just around the neighbourhood and decided to stop by."
"What are you actually doing here?"
"I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to a BBQ we were having on Friday..."
"We? As in you and Sophie?"
"Yeah and a bunch of the other students...."
"At the pool."
"Hey are you ok? You're makeup is uh.." I pointed at her face.
"Oh" she grabs a tissue and cleans it up.
"Are you good?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." As soon as she cleaned off her makeup and looked up I saw a bruise. I got pissed.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"No Taylor. He didn't do it. I... uh fell and hit my head."
"You're lying. I've known you for 6 years. Your left hand pinky is twitching. It twitched every time you lie. Where is he Chrissy?"
"It's non of your business. Plus it was my fault! I saw him cuddling up with Eliana and called him out in front of everybody. It was stupid. I shouldn't have done that."
"I fucking told you it was gonna happen again. He can't be fucking trusted. Here let me help you. Let me treat it. It looks like it's swelling."
"Fine. But then you have to leave. He's gonna be here soon. Let me get the supplies from the closet." She starts heading to the closet Sophie was in.
"No!" I screamed. She jumped.
"Let..let me get it" I say running to her.
"You go sit and relax. I'll get it."
She gave a weird look and then walked to her bedroom. I wait for her until she's out of sight. I open the closet door and Sophie was there.
"That was fucking close. Ok here's what we do. You sneak out and stay outside the door. I'll text you and that's when you knock on the door. I'll say 'We're in the bedroom' and you walk in. Act like its a normal day. Ok? You got this babe."
"Ok I can do this."
"Alright. Go sneak out. I'll treat her wound"
"You believe her?"
"Yeah. Matthew punched her for sure. That's not a falling injury." She didn't say anything and walked away.
"Taylor did you find it?"
"Yeah. Some of it was opened. It's ok I got it." I pick up the first aid bag and go to her bedroom. I set it on the bed.
"Alright. Let me see." She moved her hair out of the way.
"Oh damn. It's a little swollen but I can patch it." I start working on it.
"Tell me if it hurts ok?"
"Yeah... Taylor can I ask you a question?"
"Yes I'm friends with Kendrick Lamar."
"You are?"
"Yeah. He had a concert in Sac once and I went backstage and we talked there."
"Oh right. Thats cool but not what I was gonna ask you. I was gonna ask....never mind it's dumb."
"No go ahead."
" you hate me?" I stopped working on her injury. I didn't know what to say. All of a sudden I got a call from Sophie. I quickly answer it and say
"Hey babe."
"What is going? I'm waiting for the text."
"Yeah I'm just treating Chrissy's wound. She....fell...." I say looking at her.
"Yeah I'm in her room. Can she come up?" I ask Chrissy. She took a while and slowly nodded.
"Yeah she said ok. Come up stairs. Ok bye." I hug up.
"Alright let's get back to this."
"You...umm.. You didn't...." She said.
I look at her.
"You didn't tell me what to bring to the bbq."
"Uhh beer?"
"Yeah I can... I can do that."
"Hello? Tay? Chrissy?"
"Yeah in here babe!" I say. She came into the room.
"Oh my god. Chrissy are you ok?"
I thought to myself. 'Damn she is a good actor.'
"How'd you fall?"
"I tripped on the carpet."
"Oh.. How you feeling?" You could tell Chrissy was confused.
"I'm..fine thank you." Sophie came and sat down on the bed.
"Tay... the bbq invites were sent. Michael and Connor said they would bring beer."
"Oh that's good. Chrissy can you bring something else if you can?"
"Yeah. Uh cookies....?"
"Yes please." I say.
"Alright let me finish helping you." I continue working on Chrissy. A few minutes later I finished it.
"Alright. Just don't touch it and it'll heal up."
"Thank you Taylor. This means a lot. I just have one more question."
"Yeah go ahead."
"Why are you guys being nice to me? I mean we aren't like ... Friends."
"Well actually"
"We needed to ask you something actually."
"Oh. What is it?"
"I got a note that said umm..." She started getting chocked up.
"Sophie. Here. Let me." I started holding her.
"We uhh got this note that said that when me and you were in the elevator we kissed and made out."
"What? No. Sophie. We didn't. I promise you. I know we had differences in the past but listen to me. Taylor and I didn't kiss and I wouldn't try to ruin you two. I've done some thinking and I might break up with Matthew."
"That's good Chrissy."
"But I need a favour."
"Can you be here when I do." I looked at Sophie. She was as shocked as I was. I looked back at Chrissy and said,
"Of course. I'll be here. Just text me and we'll be here."
"Thank you guys. It means a lot and I hope we can get back on the same foot." Sophie goes and hugs Chrissy.
We were headed for the door and I turn around and said.
"Oh Chrissy?"
"There wasn't really a BBQ?"
"Yeah... But I mean you can still make cookies." Sophie hits me. Chrissy laughs.
"Ow! What? I like cookies. Especially yours Sophie." I said and winked.
"See what I have to deal with?" She says to Chrissy.
"Hahaha you guys are cute."
"That's what my side chick said too!"
"Ugh" Sophie said. This time she punched me on the shoulder and walked away.
"Babe wait! Bye Chrissy! I was kidding!" I say walking away. I caught up to Sophie and put my arm around her.
"So we cool with her now?" I ask.
"We'll have to see." She says. We headed to our rooms and said goodbye and went to bed.

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