Ch. 11

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They had to pull me off Josh. Everything was slow and felt fake. I ran to Sophie and Janette and hugged them. They were bawling there eyes out. We stood in the living room. Not moving.

*4 months later*
Taylor, Sophie and Janette finished their test after been given time to grieve and passed their final tests. They all bought a small condo together in San Fransisco. Taylor got a job with the San Fransisco 49ers as a junior physiotherapist, Janette worked as a Student Teacher at an elementary and Sophie found work at a local theatre.

"Hey guys" Janette said walking in and closing the doors.
"Hey" we both said sitting on the couch. My arm around Sophie.
"Popcorn?" Sophie offered as she walked past us.
"No thanks."
"Some mail came for you. It's on the table." I said.
"Thanks" Janette said heading to the table.
"Oh my" Janette gasped.
"What? What is it?" Sophie said getting up.
"It''s from Josh's mom. She wants us to go visit her and her family."
"When?" I asked.
"Thursday" Janette replied.
"I'm gonna go call Samantha" (Sophie's boss)
"Can I see that?"
"Yeah" she handed it to me.

'Dear Janette,
Hi dear how are you? Heard you guys passed your finals. Sorry it took so long for me to write. I was busy with all the stuff going. I haven't been able to talk to all you since the funeral. I wanted to catch up with all you. I was wondering if you three could make the trip down to L.A. so all of us could see you guys again. If you can't make it on Thursday that's alright just write back and we'll reschedule. Thank you three for your help with the funeral costs and other financial aid. You didn't have to do that, but we appreciate it. I'm glad Josh had people like you three in his life. Hopefully I can see you Thursday.'

"We have to go." I said. Janette had a tear in her eye.
"Of course. We NEED to go!"
"I got someone to cover me." Sophie said walking in to the room.
"I'll go drop Sammy and Rocky off to Chloe." Sammy was our 1 year old English Bulldog and Rocky was my 5 month old Rottweiler. I grabbed their leashes and dog food.
"Come on boys. Over here." I put on their leashes.
"I'll be back with food guys " I said to Sophie and Janette
"Bye" they both said. I closed the door behind me and saw Chrissy walking up.
"Chrissy? Holy shit. How's it been? When was the last time we met? Graduation?"
"Hey Taylor. Yeah it's been way to long."
"How've you been?"
"Been making it"
"You still in the makeup business"
"Yeah I'm one of those people that go to all the places. I don't work for anybody. Wherever I get a call I go."
"Ahh I see"
"So what about you?"
"Physiotherapist for the '9ers" she had a confused look on her face.
"The professional football team?"
"Ohh. Wow that's awesome."
"Yeah. Yeah. Look I have to drop these guys off because all of us are leaving for a whole but Sophie and Janette are inside if you wanna catch up"
"No I actually needed to talk you."
" Oh alright. Uhh come with me and drop the dogs off "
"No. It's just a quick thing."
"Oh alright then"
"It's....I....." She struggled to say
"You ok Chrissy?"
"I...can't tell you here. I need to talk to you somewhere else."
"What? Why?"
"Just meet me at the old skate park when you get back. Text me. I'll tell you there."
"Umm ok. See you when I get back? I think?" I said as she walked away.
I was so confused but thought nothing of it. I went to Chloe's house (Sophie's cousin) and dropped the dogs off with all their supplies.
"Thanks again Chloe. Appreciate it."
"No problem Tay."
"We'll be back in a few days."
"Alright see you then"
"Oh yeah and uh one more thing"
"Yes? What is it?"
"I...uh...uh... You know what I'll ask when I come back"
"Are you sure? You can tell me right now"
"Yeah it's not that easy. Plus I want it to be more....special"
"Alrighty then. See you in a few days"
I said bye and headed over to a local Chinese spot and picked up Bubble Tea on the way. I get back to our house and see those two chillin on the couch watching Game Of Thrones.
"Hey what the hell? You couldn't have waited for me"
"Uhh sorry you took 80 years!" Sophie replied back
"Is that the way you talk to someone who bought you ginger chicken and coconut mint bubble tea?" I said. Sophie quickly got up and came over.
"Aww thanks babe you're so sweet."
I leaned in for a kiss and she walked away with her plate. I made a plate for Janette and myself.
"So what happened so far" I asked.
"When Jamie-" Janette said.
"Shh it's Kahleesi" I said interrupting her. Sophie gave me a dirty look.
"What? She's a good character and a good role model for the younger generation"
"Tay.... The younger generation isn't even allowed to watch this show."
"I mean for the girls who are allowed to."
"Uh huh. And her body and looks have nothing to do with you liking her so much?"
"Shut up and eat your damn noodles."
I shut up before I got into more trouble.
"I love you Soph" I said. She just looked at me.

After we ate and drank we opened up our fortune cookies.
"Janette you first" I said.
"Ok" she cracked it open and she read:

'Be aware the next few days. Something incredible will happen that will make your life wonderful and full of happiness'

"Creepy and weird. These never get old" I said.
"Right. Your turn Taylor."
"Aight watch this."

'Whatever your plans are in the future, they will carry out and be the greatest thing you have ever lived"

"True" I said
"What? What are your plans?" Janette said. I froze up and quickly said
"Uhhh Sophie I think you left the washer on."
"Oh shit. Be right back." Sophie left and I leaned towards Janette
"Dude what the shit!"
"What I just asked a damn question."
"Yeah that 'damn question' is gonna ruin the surprise I have for Sophie!"
"THEN WHAT THE HELL IS IT! TELL ME!" She yelled but in a whisper
"SHHHHHH. I'll tell you damn. I'm gonna propose to her."
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" She yelled.
"SHHHH! She's gonna hear you." As soon as I said that Sophie came back
"What? What happened?"
"Oh Uhhhh she saw a spider. I killed it don't worry"
"Yeah it was huge" Janette said. Sophie immediately looked at me.
"Don't say it"
"That's what she said"
"For fucks sake" Sophie said.
"Hahaha that was nice". She looked at me again and I said it again.
"Shut the hell up and let me read my damn fortune cookie." She cracked it open and gave me the cookie.
"You don't like the cookie?" Janette asked.
"No it tastes weird"
"That's what she said. Woo! Hat-trick baby!"
"I'm about to punch you"
" ok ok I'll stop."
"Man I love you two. You're so cute together. You guys would make a wonderful married couple" I looked at Janette like 'really?'
"Yeah Tay. When we getting married?"
"Oh look you still haven't read your fortune yet. You should go ahead and read it" I said
"That's not an answer" Janette said
"I don't like you Jan"
"Yeah she's right. Not an answer"
"Fine you want an answer. I'll give you one but first let me ask my other girl if she's cool with it."
"Ugh fuck off asshole!" She threw one of the tennis balls the dogs played with.
"Ahh what the hell! It's rude not to ask for her permission!"
"You better run"
"Luhhh you bae"
"Shut up and let me read this fucking fortune ok? No more words"
"Ok go ahead". I say. She finally looks at the paper and her face turns pale.
"What? What does it say?" Janette said. She dropped the paper. I immediately sat beside Sophie and said
"Sophie? Are you ok?" I said pulling her towards me. She didn't say anything.
"Uhhh Taylor....." Janette said showing me the paper. I grab it from her. I read it. It said

'Missed me? I know I missed you. I'm back now.'

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