Ch. 13

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"You''re right. I'll stay home. You guys go and visit Josh's mom. Make sure tell her that I'm thinking of her ok?"
"We will Soph. We will" Janette said comforting her. I got up and go to the porch and lean on the railings. Sophie came out and slowly walked behind me.
"Tay...." We stayed quiet for a minute.
"I know you don't want me to stay by myself but I'm telling you I won't do anything. I'm just gonna think about stuff and revaluate my life right now."
I sighed and said
"Reevaluate? What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna go over the decisions I've made in my life. See why someone would attack me"
"I know. I know. I have my trust in you. I...." I sighed
"I just don't wanna be without you." She came closer to me and she looked at me.
"You don't have to worry about me Tay... Just go be with Josh's mom and comfort her. I'll be here when you get back"
"I know babe. I know." We hugged and I kissed her forehead.

A few hours later Janette and I packed up and headed towards the car. We stopped at the door and saw Sophie. Janette and Sophie hugged first.
"I'm gonna miss you girl" Janette said. Sophie smiled and said
"You too girl." I walked up to Sophie and hugged her and kissed her.
"We'll be back in a few days ok? Gonna miss you" I kissed her again
"Gonna miss you too. Say hi to Josh's mom for me ok"
"I will. Love you babe."
"Love you too. Bye guys"
"Bye" we both said. We walked out and got in the car.
"Ok Jan. who's driving first?"
"Umm... I can first. We can switch when we get gas"
"Alright sounds good." We got in the car and we were off. We stopped at a Chipotle and ate.
"Don't you think it'll be awkward meeting her after all this time?"
"Yeah but I mean she invited us so how awkward can it get?" I said as we sat down.
"True. I don't know I guess it'd be more..."
"No more"
"More reassuring"
"Of her feeling better in a way"
"Yeah I can see that. I guess it would be a little awakened for you because you didn't grow up with her."
"Yeah you are closer to her more than I but I talked to her when I was..." Janette got chocked up a bit
"It's ok Jan. I get it."
After we ate we headed back to the car.
"You still driving?"
"Yeah we can switch when we get to Gorman?"
"Sounds good too me"

Few hours later
"So Jan I was wondering"
"Are you gonna go back?"
"Go back? To San Fran?"
"No I dating?" I slowly asked. She had a surprised/sad look on her face.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. That was a dick thing to say. I didn't mean to offend you."
"No ummm... It's... It's fine."
"You don't have to answer. Just uhh forget I said anything."
"Do you mind driving now?"
"No no no of course. Just pull over I'll drive." In my mind I knew I fucked up. She pulled over and parked the car. She got out and closed the door. I smack my had saying
"Why the fuck would I fucking ask that!!" I got out of the car and see Janette sitting on the trunk of the car biting her nail.
"Jan look I'm sorry I don't know what the hell I was thinking. It was non of my business. I'm sorry. I'll let you punch me or something I feel like a douche."
She swallows. She says in a cracking voice
"No it's fine Taylor. It's ok seriously. I'm... F-f-fine" a tear starts running down her face.
"Shit. I'm such an ass." I didn't know how to react to that situation. I didn't know what to say or what to do.
"I'm sorry Janette. I'm just trying to look out for you. You're like a sister to Sophie so that means your a sister to me. I just want you to be safe and happy."
"..... I know Taylor. It's just... I miss him. So. Bad." She cries even more. I hug her and tell her
"I know. I know. It's gonna be ok."
After a few seconds I lighten the mood by saying
"We should probably get off the side of the road before we get hit." She laughs and gets back in the car. I wait a couple of seconds and get back in the car also.
"Alright. Wanna blast some Kendrick?"
She slowly shakes her head.
"Something more appropriate?" She nods her head.
"Fine your in control of the music."
"Finally." She says in a quiet and shaky voice. She blasts Justin Bieber and I immediately shut the stereo off.
"Taylor! What the fuck? You said I was in control!"
"No! You will not disgrace this car with this bullshit. I said play music not destroy my stereo."
"Excuse me? Justin is an art."
"Oh god I'm gonna puke."
"At least he makes legit music."
"Don't tell me you're gonna say what I think you're gonna say. Jan don't do it."
"Please don't tell me you actually think Kendrick is music."
"Janette if I didn't respect you I would've thrown you out the car before you even said Kendrick. And please Justin and music don't even deserve to be in the same language let alone the same sentence."
"Oh Taylor. You poor uncultured piece of shit. Justin reinvented music."
"Oh shit the Chipotle's coming back." I roll down the window and pretend to puke.
"If you actually listened to the words no the GENIUS words Kendrick says it'll change your life. Ellen fucking DeGeneres said he was inspiring for all he does and all the music he makes."
"Sorry rap isn't for me"
"It's not that. People look down at rap because it's a bunch of 'thugs' bragging about a bunch of b.s. and degrading women. There are those kinds of rappers and the others who tell a fucking story. People need to get past the stereotypes and just appreciate music."
"Justin helps people too. How many hospitals does Kendrick or any rapper for that fact visit sick kids?"
"Ok I have a question for you. Would he have done the exact same if there wasn't any cameras around? What if he wasn't well known? What if he grew up in a rough neighbourhood where people die and no one does anything about it because it's not celebrity news? All the freaking influence rappers have are for the kids who don't wanna be a statistic or another name that didn't make it. Those rappers, especially Kendrick, make music for those kids."
Janette stayed silent.
"That's why a girl like Sophie is hard to come by. She gets it. She listens to rap for the same reason I do. The story behind it."
"You really do love her don't you?"
"She's all I have"
"That's not true. You have your fath-  I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No. It's ok. It happens."
"I didn't mean to bring him up."
"Look. It's ok Janette. It's fine."
"Let's just not play Justin? You like Katy Perry?" She said trying to change the subject. I didn't answer for a second. I waited then I said slowly.
"Oh yeah. Those-"
Janette gave me a look
"Lyrics really hit me hard."
"Hahaha you call her boobs lyrics"
"I'm more of an ass man"
"I see" she played her songs and we continued to drive along. Janette slept most of the way. I had time to think for myself. Trying to find out who hated Sophie, the most genuine and down to earth girl I ever knew, so much that they'd ruin her life and the people's life who were involved with her. All I knew for certain was whoever it was, was gonna regret ever word they wrote on those papers. No one threatens my girl. No. One.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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