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We got to the restaurant and the valet took my car. We walk in and I see the hostess.
"Hey. Two for Reynolds."
"Ok. You're table 8. Please follow me." We followed her and we sat down. A waiter walked up to us and said
"Welcome to Martieez. My name is Oliver and I'll be your waiter today. May I get you something to drink?"
"Yes. Can we get the best champagne?"
"Coming right up" He walked away.
"Tay. You hate champagne."
"Yeah but I wanna look fancy with Nina Dobrev sitting over there." She looked and quickly looked back.
"Oh damn. She looks nice."
"Is that Leonardo DiCaprio?"
"I was kidding."
"Dick" she said. I wink and laugh a little.

A few minutes later Oliver came back with champagne and two glasses.
"Oh this isn't for us. I wanted it to send it to Miss Dobrev other there."
"Oh yes sir." Oliver walked away
"What? It's Nina freaking Dobrev!"
"Order whatever you want babe. Today is your day to have whatever you want."
"Ok...damn everything sounds so fancy."
"I know. What about the salmon? Sounds good and is probably the cheapest thing here"
"Yeah I was thinking that too."
Oliver came back and said
"Miss Dobrev appreciates the champagne and offered and insisted that she pay for your dinner for you and the lady."
Both of us looked shocked and looked at her. She had her champagne glass up and we raised our glass back to her.
"Tell her thank you very much. And we'd like to order now."
"Of course. What would you like?"
"I'd like the oven roasted Salmon and same thing for the lady."
"Excellent choice." He took our menu's and walked away.
"The lady?"
"We gotta act fancy. Especially when Nina Dobrev pays for your freaking dinner."
"Haha that is true."

After we ate and had our dishes taken away we sat and relaxed. As we were talking this dark shadowy dressed person walked past us. He bumped Sophie and knocked over her glass and it split all over her. Sophie screamed
"Hey dude what the hell?" I said getting up angrily. He continued walking. And he got out of the restaurant. People started staring. The people sitting next to us started handing Sophie their napkins.
"You ok babe?" I ask. She didn't answer. I knew she was embarrassed. I hand her my jacket.
"Oliver?" I call out
"Yes sir?"
"Can you get the valet to get our car? Quickly."
"Yes sir." He left.
"Soph. It's ok it's just water. Don't worry no one's gonna say anything.
"Hey are you ok?" Someone said putting their arm around Sophie. It was Nina.
"Oh my god." Sophie said realizing who it was.
"Yeah she's just a little embarrassed."
"Yeah I bet. Hi I'm Nina"
"Yeah I know. I'm Taylor Reynolds and this is my girlfriend Sophie Jones. Thank you for the dinner. You didn't have to do that."
"Nice to meet you. And yes I did. You bought me champagne. I had to return the favour. Umm Sophie I have a sweater you can have to cover up the stain. Want to use it?"
"Uhh yeah that'd be nice." She said. Nina left.
Sophie quickly hands me my jacket and I try and hide it.
"Tay! Nina freaking Dobrev!"
"I know. I know! Ok ok act cool she's coming back."
"Here you go Sophie." She hands the sweater.
"Thank you Nina. I'll send it back to you however I can."
"No don't worry about it. Keep it." She turns and faces me.
"Did you see who that guy was?"
"No. He was dressed in all black and booked it out the restaurant."
"Yeah that's really weird. Oh look."
She went to our table and found a note.
"It says 'SJ'. I think that's you Sophie."
"Can I see that?" I ask. She hands it to me.
"Miss Dobrev? I think it's time we leave." Said one of her guards.
"Thank you again for the champagne. Hey don't worry about the stain. It happens. Enjoy your day you two."
"Thank you Nina." She walked away.
I could tell Sophie was still embarrassed when we walked out the restaurant past all the people. I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me and we walked out together. We get in the car and Sophie didn't want to talk.
"Dinner was good eh? Plus we got to talk to Nina Dobrev." She didn't answer. She just stared out the window. I didn't know what to do. I pulled the car over and stopped it.
"Hey Sophie. Listen. This shit happens. Yeah that fucker got aw-"
"Tay I don't wanna talk about it" She cut me off. I sigh.
"Ok. Alright. We don't have to if you don't wanna. Do you still wanna go downtown?" She didn't answer. I took it as a no and we headed back to the apartment. I parked the car in my spot and we both head up in the elevator. We got on our floor and I open my door and I saw Josh. I signalled him telling him that Sophie and I were gonna be in her room. I close the door and see Sophie holding the teddy bear. I open her door and we both head inside.
"I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. Thank you babe for the dinner. I thought about what you said. You're right. Shit happens. I'm not gonna let it ruin my night. Happy Anniversary baby. I love you."
"That's good to hear. I love you too. Can that 'something more comfortable' be nothing at all?"
"Oh aren't you so romantic?"
"Heeey she's back! And you promised me your gift" I said.
"That's after we relax."
"Shhh. Go turn on TV."
"I want to turn something else on"
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing. I'm gonna go get my study package. I'll be back" I said in the Terminator voice.
"Haha ok" she said. I go to my room and change into sweats and a muscle shirt.
"How was dinner?" Josh asked as I walk out.
"It was...something?"
"What'd you do?"
"I didn't do anything. It was awesome but then got a little messed up."
"Nina Dobrev was there. So I bought her champagne for some reason and she bought our dinner."
"Yeah but when Sophie and I were talking, this guy comes over, bumps into Sophie and knocks water all over her in front of everybody."
"Oh shit then what?"
"Sophie dried herself and Nina came over and gave her a sweater. And then we all left. Sophie was so embarrassed though."
"Damn. A memorable anniversary isn't it?"
"Oh yeah. We're probably gonna just chill there. I brought leftovers but I may have left them in the car. If you're willing to go down and pick them up you can have them.I'll probably just study while Sophie explains Gossip Girl to me."
"Exciting and where are your keys?"
I throw my keys at him.
"I know. If we get to rowdy call the police ok?"
"Haha I will."
"Thanks man. Goodnight."
"Night." I close the door behind me.
I walk into Sophie's room. She was sitting on the couch. I didn't want to bring up the restaurant so I walked toward the couch. I put my head down on her lap and put my feet over the side of the couch. She puts on Gossip Girl and starts telling me what's happening.
"Uh huh." I say while reading my study package.
"You're not even listening you ass"
"Yeah I am."
"Oh are you? Who's that then?" she asks. I look at the tv. I sit up and say
"Uhh that's Michelle?"
"No. That's Serena! God Taylor."
"That's what I meant."
"Yeah ok."
"Serena is my favourite character. She's so cool."
"I'm not lying. She's the only character I like on this show."
"And probably the only one you know."
"Hey that's not true. Wait. Actually you're right."
"Aren't I always?" She says flipping her hair. I was confused.
"To be honest that turned me on a little."
"Oh did it?"
"Yeah you know what else does?"
"What Tay?"
"Oh my god! That's gross." She picks up a pillow and throws it at me.
"Wow. How do you think that pillow feels? You can't just throw it around like that. Say sorry to it."
"Sorry pillow."
"No. Hold it and say it like you mean it!"
She takes the pillow and says
"I'm sorry for thro-" I smash the pillow in her face. I start dying laughing. I fall over on the floor.
"Hahahahaha" She had a shocked look but also a look that said ' I should've seen that'.
"Ohh man. That was too easy."
"That was sneaky I gotta give it to you."
About 30 minutes later I see that Sophie fell asleep while I was still studying. I got up slowly and go to the kitchen. I look at the table and saw the note that was left on our table at the restaurant. I look at Sophie. I open it. It read,
Oh Sophie you think you're all innocent don't you? With your curly hair, your amazing life and your amazing boyfriend huh? Well I know some shit that can ruin all of that. And yeah I sent that dude to spill that water over you. Why? Because I despise girls like you. Thinking you can do anything you want be used you're all pretty and perfect. Well let me tell you something. It isn't. All the people you love and care for have don't things you haven't known about and frankly don't wanna know. If I told you what, I'm sure you would begin questioning everything in your life. An example is something that happened today. It includes your amazing boyfriend Taylor and your former best friend Chrissy. In an elevator. Don't believe me? Look back in the envelope. You'll see a USB drive and a picture. Yeah, I didn't believe it either. There's more where that came from. ;)'
I was so confused. I look in the envelope and see a folded piece of paper and a small usb drive. Before I unfold the picture I hear Sophie say,
"What does it say?" Sophie said. I turn around and say
"Uhh. It says you looked really pretty and nice."
"Tay...?" She reaches her hand out. I give her the paper. I give her a few minutes to read it and she says
"What is this talking about?"
"Sophie. I don't know. Nothing happened. Chrissy was trying to talk to me and I ignored her. The only time I talked to her is when she started talking shit about you. I stepped up for you. Then I walked out. I have no clue what this letter is talking about I swear."
"Where's my laptop? I wanna see what's on the USB drive." We find her laptop and plug the usb drive in.

It starts off with Chrissy in the elevator. A few seconds later it shows me walking in. The elevator door closes. It shows Chrissy trying to talk to me. And me ignoring her. All of a sudden both people turn to each other and stare. They start moving closer and closer and start making out. It was full on making out.

"Oh my god. Tay is that you?"
"What? No! I mean yeah that's me. I mean no that not. Look I didn't make out with Chrissy. That's not me. I don't like Chrissy babe. I didn't kiss her. I-"
"Tay! That's clearly you making out with her. Look it's the same shirt you were wearing today."
"No listen!"
"LOOK TAYLOR!" She's never yelled 'Taylor' at me. That's when I knew she was upset.
"Sophie listen" I go to reach out for her. She moves away. She sees the folded paper in my hand.
"What's that?" She points at my hand. I look at it.
"Oh I don't know" she takes it from me.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"What? What is it?" I take the paper from her and look at it. It said
"Damn. Who knew you were such a great kisser. See you around xoxo
~ Chrissy" it was a picture of 'me' and her making out.
"Sophie this isn't me"
"Get out"
"Leave. I....I just need to be alone Taylor"
"Please Taylor. Not right now. Just leave." I didn't know what to do. I go to reach for her again.
"Don't. Don't touch me. I want you leave right now."
"Alright Sophie. Alright...." I walk to the door. I turn around and say
"Are we... Are we over?"
She didn't answer me. She was still turned around and in tears. I look at the door for a while. I finally opened it and slowly walked out and into my room. I was hoping she'd answer me but didn't hear anything.

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