1️⃣ Comfort <3

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Title: Comfort (cute, fluff, comfort)

Wonwoo's POV

'My heart feels heavy. I feel so weighed down by whatever that has been happening recently. All I want to do is just lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling until all my problems and worries go away. Can someone please help me with my racing heart? My throat feels choked. I want to cry but why aren't there any tears formed? I know this will pass. I know that, with time, it will pass but I can't just live through this moment right here right now. When will it pass? How much more do I need to suffer for it to pass? How much more do I need to endure? Who is going to answer my questions? Right now, I am just questioning myself. Is what I'm doing right now the right path? Where is my light? I don't know what to do. I really have no idea how to push through. I need help. Please.'

As I finished expressing my thoughts on a piece of paper, I deeply sighed to myself. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

"Wonu? It's me, Mingyu. Can I come in? I brought your favourite desert." The voice said.

I quickly hid the paper underneath my pillow and got up.

"Gyu? Why did you suddenly come over without telling me?" I asked as I opened the door for my friend.

"Hmm, I was just bored at home and thought of you, so I came over." he smiled and barged into my room, placing a box on my study table.

I just stared at him and wondered to myself, 'what's with that rizz? Also, did God send him to me because I wasn't feeling myself earlier?'.

"What did you get me?" I hopped over to him and tried to open the box. Seeing that I was struggling to peel off the tape of the box, he softly whispered a 'I'll do it for you' and gently placed my hands aside.

Just a mere intimate moment like this made my heart race. Honestly, I knew that I was into him quite a while ago but with whatever's happening lately, I'm not sure if I could commit to a relationship, but maybe with him, perhaps it could work out.

"Here you go, an authentic tiramisu with mascarpone cheese!" he passed me a fork, held my hand with the cake and sat us down so I could eat comfortably.

"Gyu..." I called him.

"Yess? Why? Is it not to your liking?" he questioned, and I shook my head.

"I was just thinking, like, what did I even do to deserve you?" I sadly smiled, "just when I needed someone, you appeared right off the bat and to top it off, you even brought my most favourite thing in the world. I'm so thankful for you."

"Jeez, why are you suddenly being all grateful and sentimental towards me, you're going to make me cry haha." He teased and caressed my hair while I took a bite of the tiramisu silently.

Normally, I would already be praising the tiramisu by how soft and thick it is, but I guess he noticed that I wasn't myself.

"Is there something bothering you, Wonwoo? You know you can always tell me. I'm all ears for you." he continued to gently stroke my head.

As I could feel my lips trembling, I got up almost immediately and head to the bathroom to cool myself down. I could feel my tears threatening to fall as soon as he asked those triggering questions. I really didn't want him to see me this. I don't want to appear off as weak. I want to look strong, especially in front of him.

"Wonu?" he popped into the bathroom to find me, "you know, it's okay to cry.' he patted my back softly.

"No, I can't cry. It's such a small matter. I'd look pathetic crying just because of it."

"If it's like that, just think of crying as a way to promote eye health."

As soon as those words left his mouth, I burst out laughing, "HAHHAHAH, PROMOTE EYE HEALTH? HAHAHHA! You're so lame."

"W-what? You're lamer since you laughed at my joke. Come on, let's get out from your stinky bathroom." He pretended to make a disgusted face and held my hands once again to lead me out.

"Hey, I use Bath & Body Works, okay? My bathroom smells like heaven." I nagged.

"Yea, yea. Now sit back down, eat your tiramisu, and tell me what's wrong." he handed me the fork again and stared at me intently with his big puppy eyes, making me melt all over.

"You know what. Since you made me laugh earlier, I'm actually feeling so much better now."

"Just like that?" he looked at me questioningly and I nodded with satisfaction. I mean, just your whole existence is already enough to calm my thoughts down. You're that special to me.

I proceeded to take another bite of the tiramisu and wow, it's really really good now that I took my time to properly savour it, "Oooh, it's super good!" I exclaimed.

"Righttt? A new bakery just opened right across my house and when I had tried their pastries, it really blew my mind off. I just knew I need you to try their tiramisu. Apparently, it's their best seller." he chattered with so much enthusiasm which me made fall in love all over again.

"Now, I can tell why it's their best seller. You need to try this!" I scooped a forkful and wanted to feed him, but he quickly moved his head away from me, and I could see a tinge of pink spreading on his cheeks, "It's okay, you can have it all to yourself. Also, you should be careful with your actions, you're going to give me the wrong idea."

I chuckled to myself, "says the person who appeared unannounced to my house just because he thought of me, if that's not love then I don't know what is. Come on, just a bite." I positioned myself in front of him and said, "ahhhhhh~" as I aeroplane the fork towards his lips and he hesitantly accepted it, mumbling that he's not a child or whatnot.

'Cute.' I thought to myself and enjoyed the rest of the night, chatting away with my one and only love.

-- 7/5/2023

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