8️⃣•5️⃣ Bonus Chapter (Unconditional Love) <3

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Title: Unconditional Love (FLUFF)

This is a short bonus chapter after Chapter 8: Sports Festival. Do read it if you haven't in order to understand this chapter.

Timeline: One year after being official.

Time and Place: A random night in Mingyu's room.

Plot: After a movie night, both Mingyu and Wonwoo had washed up and climbed into bed to call it a night.


Third Person's POV

"Hyung, you're perfect the way you are..." Mingyu whispers.

"Stop flattering me, Mingyu. Just go to sleep." Wonwoo closes his eyes, about to drift off to sleep within the next minute.

"If only the world knows how amazing you are, Wonu-hyung..." Mingyu continues, hovering his arms over Wonwoo's turned back. Although Wonwoo could not see Mingyu's face, he could feel his rock-hard body pressed against his back, providing him the warmth he knew he could never live without.

Mingyu could then hear soft, cute snores from his boyfriend.

He smiled lovingly at him and squeezed Wonwoo into a slightly tighter hug.

"You really have no idea what you've done to me hyung. Every now and then, I'd reflect on our relationship, and it always ends up with me pondering how lucky I am to have you." Mingyu pauses for a while.


"I want to be with you forever, hyung. I don't care if you get sick of me, but I'll do my utmost best to be the best partner you'll ever ask for. I'll be the boyfriend you can brag about. I love you so much. If something were to happen to you, I'll gladly follow yo-"

"Yah, Kim Mingyu..." Wonwoo wakes up from his brief nap and flips around, facing Mingyu but his eyes still closed, "are you crazy...?" he mumbles tiredly.

"Crazy in love? Yea, I sure am." Mingyu's arms were still wrapping around Wonwoo's body, so he pulls him closer and gives a peck on his boyfriend's lips, "I'm sorry, honey. Did I wake you up?" following the question, Mingyu gives another peck on the tip of Wonwoo's nose this time.

Wonwoo cutely nods his head and Mingyu can't help but coo at him. He couldn't resist his hyung's cuteness. He's acting like an adorable sleepy baby.


"Hyung~" Mingyu coos.

"Geez, you're such a baby." Wonwoo giggles as he flutters his eyes open, staring back intro the dark orbs of Mingyu's eyes, "but yeah, I heard everything from earlier, Gyu-ah... I guess I too have something to say to you." Wonwoo's cheeks turn tinge pink because he's going to cringe at what he's about to say.

"Yes, babe?"

Even in the midst of the dark, Wonwoo could feel Mingyu's gaze penetrating into his very soul. Due to that, Wonwoo hides his face into the crook of Mingyu's neck out of shyness.

"I l-v-e y-o too." Wonwoo mumbles with his voice muffled, being not clear enough for Mingyu to hear.

"What? I can't hear you, hyung~" Mingyu teases even though he could somewhat take a grasp of Wonwoo's words.

"I said I love you! Gosh, don't make me repeat myself!" Wonwoo nagged but Mingyu could only laugh at his adorable hyung.


After a good minute of silence, Wonwoo cutely peeks up from his neck, "I really love you though..." he reassures Mingyu just in case Mingyu was somewhat insecure but that was not the case.

Mingyu just wants to shower Wonwoo with love at every chance he gets, just like what he promised on the day during the university's sports festival where he had asked Wonwoo to be his boyfriend.

"Me too... hyung. I love you too."

And slowly, the both of them finally drift off to sleep. <3.

-- 26/6/2023

Thanks for reading!

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