5️⃣ Work Out <3 (R18+)

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Title: Work Out (Smut, Cute)


Warning! There will be love-making scenes ahead. If you don't like them, you can just ignore this chapter. Read at your own risk. Kids shouldn't be here.

Third Person's POV

Given Up by Linkin Park has been blasting out loud from his earbuds as Mingyu works out in the living room; shirtless, revealing his well-defined abs. Now for his final workout, he starts planking for five minutes, his whole body is covered in sweat and has been dripping off of him profusely.


It's only half past eight in the morning and usually, Wonwoo would still be in their bed, sleeping. Especially after an intense activity the night before, Wonwoo should be passed out cold.

However, to his surprise, he pops out of their room, limping a little from the soreness and somewhat casually heads to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of them. He was still in Mingyu's clothes, wearing his button-up shirt that was a little oversized for Wonwoo, reaching to his smooth thighs. Mingyu could not help but stare at his milky legs.

Trying his best to not get distracted, Mingyu looks down to try to concentrate on his planking but, "Fuck..." he hisses under his breath, a tent starting to build from his boxers.

As he couldn't resist to stare at his lovely boyfriend, he looks up once more.

He could see Wonwoo calmly moving around the kitchen and when he bends down a little to grab some plates, to his shocking surprise, he could see that he was wearing a sexy lingerie, exposing his juicy ass.

'Fuckkkk.' He internally curses. This in fact has only worsened his throbbing member.

Out of nowhere, he then remembers segments of their love-making session from last night.

He replayed how Wonwoo was riding him, moaning his name repeatedly and exclaiming about how good he made him feel.

He replayed how he fucked Wonwoo while carrying and leaning him against the wall.

How his boyfriend was whimpering for him to fuck him harder.


Flashbacks to last night

"Fuuck... Kim M-Mingyuu...It's too d-deep..." Wonwoo moaned, panting as he kept on bouncing on his dick, up and down. His hands were on Mingyu's chest to support his weight and he was feeling out of it due to the intense pleasure that he was getting. He was almost seeing stars.

"Just like that, baby. You're doing so well. You feel so good." Mingyu grunted in pleasure, almost passed out because, fuck, Wonwoo was extremely incredible at whatever he's doing.

Just when he could see Wonwoo starting to get tired and slow down, he used this opportunity to grab onto his hips and rammed his member into his hole with brute force, almost brushing his G-spot each time.

"A-AH FUCKK!" Wonwoo screamed.

"D-don't stop, please! Fuck! You're... you're driving me crazy." Wonwoo panted, almost in tears due to the overwhelming feeling. This gave Mingyu a profound confidence that he pounded into Wonwoo even harder.

'So pretty...' Mingyu thought as he admires the sight in front of him.

"B-babe, holy shyt, I'm going to c-cum." Wonwoo announced.

"Cum for me, babe. G-Gosh, You're so beautiful."

Almost immediately, Wonwoo came. His cum spurting and landing onto Mingyu's chest.

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