2️⃣ What is this Behaviour, Mingyu-ah? <3

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Title: What is this Behaviour, Mingyu-ah? (Cute, fluff)

Wonwoo's POV

On Fridays, I would habitually wait for Seokmin outside the library to walk to our art classes together. Although we're not of the same age, the seniors and juniors usually have their electives combined in separate sessions.

That's just how it works in Pledis High School. With that, I met Seokmin.

I would say that Seokmin is quite the opposite from my personality, however, despite our differences, we were still able to click and would frequently hang out with each other along with our circle of friends.

And that... was I how I met Kim Mingyu, my adorable little crush ^^.


So, as of now, I'm standing patiently outside the entrance of the library, spacing out.

I snapped out of my trance once I spotted a tall guy in the crowd, resembling that of a crackhead Seokmin.

"Wonwoo-hyungg!" he waved as he struggled to get to me since the students were all rushing to their subsequent classes.

I waved back, realising that he was empty handed, "Where's your stuff?" I questioned when he finally squeezed through the crowd.

"Aishhh, I've forgotten to bring my art supplies with me. I was totally out of it this whole morning." Seokmin ruffled his hair in distress, "I think I left it in the locker of my classroom." he continuously sighed while I absentmindedly ignored him, expecting him to run back to his classroom since we've got only ten more minutes till our class commences.

"Wonu-hyung. I think I left it in my locker." he repeated himself.

"Uh-huh? So?" I shrugged. Without any notice, he suddenly fell to his knees dramatically in front of me and clasped his hands together, as if he's praying to me.

I was taken aback by his actions, and I started to notice the attention that we were getting, "Yah, what on earth are you doing? Get up and stop being so dramatic." I tried to make him stand but he just grabbed my arms, pulling me closer to him.

"That's what I'm known for but that's beside the point. I can't go back to my classroom, Wonu-ah." He whispered.

"And why the hell not?" I whispered back.

"I can't face Jisoo-hyung right now so please, can you help me get my art materials." He pled while looking at me straight in the eyes, trying to pull off the Puss in Boots sad cat eyes. Those eyes will never work on me.

"Jisoo-hyung? He's not even in the same grade as us, let alone in the same classroom. Why are you so afraid?"

"The thing is, he's working on his lab practical right now and to get to my classroom, I have to pass by the science lab AND I REALLY CAN'T FACE HIM RIGHT NOW. I JUST CONFESSED TO HIM LIKE LAST NIGHT AT THE PARK, THEN I RAN AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER, I'M SCARED. I EVEN TURNED OFF MY PHONE." He continued to whisper vigorously, almost yelling.

"Get your head together, Seokmin. And what the hell? You confessed to Jisoo-hyung? Already?"

He immediately calmed down and nodded, "Anyways, he's been actively searching for me this whole morning and fortunately, I've successfully mastered the art of hiding."

"Most importantly, can we go somewhere else and talk? It's weird to have two guys squatting in front of the library, whispering to each other like we're selling the goods." I said.

"Not until you agree to help me get my supplies." he determinedly persisted, and I groaned.

"Hyungggg, please! It's just a few classrooms from yours. Please, hyunggg." He brought out the dongsaeng act and it's so not unusual for me to see him this way.

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