8️⃣ Sports Festival <3

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Title: Sports Festival (Cute, fluff) (Some Seoksoo)

Jeon Wonwoo – 21 y/o university student (archery)

Kim Mingyu – 20 y/o university student (high jump, basketball, volleyball)


Third Person's POV

"Kim Mingyu did it!! Kim Mingyu from the School of Engineering had beaten the university's high jump record!." the announcer jumped out of his seat, ecstatic.

"Kim Mingyu, despite being a non-athlete, had appeared out of nowhere and had racked up a new record that broke the university's longest standing record of 7 years." the other announcer stated as he stood up to applaud at Mingyu's new feat.


What they didn't know was that Mingy used to be a trained high jumper in high school. He had been trained to compete, but his school lacked funds, so Mingyu never had the chance to put himself out there to make a name.

Each school needs at least two representatives but surprisingly, no one was willing to come forward and compete because they know their school was no powerhouse, hence, they simply didn't want to embarrass themselves.

Although Mingyu was disappointed, he still continued to train out of habit and honestly, thanks to him not being able to high jump competitively, he's able to focus on his studies more which led to him scoring a scholarship, granting him a free ride to university.

But it was not in Mingyu's bucket list to break the school's record though, that was why Mingyu was so astonished by his accomplishment. It was all thanks to his dedication towards training and of course, his No.1 moral support, Jeon Wonwoo, who had been his friend and senior in high school.

Ever since Wonwoo had found out that the university had included track and field events for their annual grand university sports festival, he just knew Mingyu had to compete in the high jump event.

Of course, Mingyu had refused initially but Wonwoo was having none of it so he had to take on the matter under his own hands. He was in the sports committee club as he himself was and is an active athlete. That was how Wonwoo had discovered Mingyu back in high school.

While he was training for volleyball, Mingyu would always be on the other side of the gym, practicing his high jumps. Not just high jumps, but Mingyu had participated in other sports like basketball and soccer. However Wonwoo could tell how much more invested Mingyu was in high jump. He could just see it in his eyes. They were parking.

He then decided to approach him, in hope to be his friend and perhaps learn a thing or two about the sport that Mingyu very much loves.

Now back to the present time.


"With 189 cm, Kim Mingyu had crushed his opponents, set a new record, beating the previous record of 185 cm by an ex-alumni, Lee Minhyuk."

Cheers erupted as Mingyu stepped onto the podium with Chang Kyun and Eun Woo being the first and second runner ups. While Mingyu was receiving his medal, on the side lines, there was someone who was the proudest out of everyone.

Wonwoo was watching the scene enfolding before his very eyes and he could not wipe off the wide smile that he's wearing right now.

As much as he wanted to go over to Mingyu's side to congratulate him, he couldn't because Mingyu was already dragged away by his group of friends. They were also his friends but since they thought Wonwoo was busy with his committee work, they didn't want to bother Wonwoo as they also knew Wonwoo would come right over on his own when he's free.

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