9️⃣ A Prank <3

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Title: A Prank (Cute)

Jeon Wonwoo - 22 y/o university student, part timer at a library

Kim Mingyu - 21 y/o university student, Wonwoo's boyfriend


Third Person's POV

On a random Thursday night, laughter and some 'awws' can be heard from a certain room. It was none other than Kim Mingyu who was lying on his bed, kicking his feet in the air and scrolling through his ig reels.

Apparently, playing pranks on their significant other had become the trend.

Erasing your own existence and gaslight them into thinking you're not real 24/7 prank.

Seducing your partner 24/7 prank.

Make your partner jealous 24/7 prank.

You name it all.

Just then, Mingyu had a fabulous idea.

"Hmmm, should I prank Wonwoo?" he smirked. He wondered how Wonwoo would've reacted if he were to ignore him for one whole day. Wonwoo is too nice for his own good and he doesn't ever lose his temper so he wanted to test if this prank would make Wonwoo mad.

"Perfect." Mingyu snickered to himself, already imagining an angry Wonwoo. Will Wonwoo throw a tantrum? Will Wonwoo yell at him? Honestly, Mingyu doesn't know.

He's dated Wonwoo for two years and truth to be told, Wonwoo never once raised his tone at him. Sure, he's let out a few frustrations and vented here and there but he only does it in a calm demeanor.

At this, Mingyu was thrilled!

But come on. Really? Did he think that his boyfriend, the Jeon Wonwoo, would ever fall for his little prank?


Morning rolled around and Mingyu was expecting Wonwoo to come over in the afternoon after his shift. That's when he'd start to execute his plan.



My love <3 (2 messages)

'Mingyuuu, my shifted ended early so I'm coming over now.' it read.

'I'm bringing my Seol over by the way. No one is at home to take care of her.' it read. (Seol is Wonwoo's beloved pet dog.)

'Okay, okay, don't blow your cover. Act normal and ignore him. Easy peasy.' Mingyu reminded himself as he nervously gulped.

Instead of staying in the living room, Mingyu decided to head to his mini library that Wonwoo helped build. It was mainly for Wonwoo because he loves reading and would like to be in his own space from time to time. Even though it was Mingyu's condominium, his home is where Wonwoo's home is at. They're basically like a married couple at this point.

Right at that moment, the sound of his keypad door lock was being pressed and Wonwoo appeared right away with his dog trailing behind his feet.

"Babe?" Wonwoo called out, his voice ringing through the living room but to his surprise, Mingyu was nowhere to be seen. He was expecting a warm welcome by his boyfriend and some hugs and kisses.

'That's weird...' he thought, 'he told me he has got nothing going on today so where is he?'

"Honeyyy~" he sang as he peeked into the kitchen, the balcony and the bedroom but he was nowhere in sight.

'Could he be there...?' Wonwoo guessed and stepped into the library.

"Ahhh... there you are, Mingyuu <3. You didn't hear me calling for you earlier?" Wonwoo finally smiled at the sight of his boyfriend, sitting on the floor, and reading a book.

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