3️⃣ A Beauty Like You Shouldn't Be Crying <3

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Title: A Beauty Like You Shouldn't Be Crying (Cute, fluff)

Wonwoo's POV

You could say that my first encounter with Mingyu was cringe-worthy rather than heart-fluttering. At least, that was how it is for me, but Mingyu says otherwise. He and his cheesy pick-up lines, oh lord.

It was winter.

During that time, my parents were going through a divorce because my dad had 'accidentally' cheated on my mom. He then had the balls to show up with his mistress and their adolescent child to our household. THEIR CHILD. AN ADOLESCENT. A TEENAGER.

Soon after, they were on their knees, begging for forgiveness and hoping to have both families live together in harmony because apparently, my dad had gone bankrupt, and he was unable to pay for their child's expenses.

I was speechless to say the least.

I remember kicking him out of the house as my mom and younger brother were still appalled by the sudden revelation. Obviously, I was devastated by the news. I have always thought that we were a picture-perfect family, but I guess it was too good to be true.

He said he was drunk. He said it was an accident. He said he didn't mean it. Honestly, I have never felt so disgusted in my entire life.

That night, for the first time, I had seen my mom shed tears uncontrollably and it pained me to see her like that. While my brother was consoling her, I was shaking with so much rage that I just stormed out of the house despite the cold weather, to give my mind some peace.

I then found myself sitting on a bench at the park.

It finally hit me. I felt so betrayed because my dad was my role model. He was the perfect father I could ask for but behind all that... was just a farce. For sure, we had built so many good memories together but with what had just occurred. I just can't.

Their child didn't look any more than ten, and you're saying that this whole time, he was able to play it cool, not feeling an ounce of guilt, as he spent time with us for the past decade?

I just don't understand human logic, I guess.


While I was crying and sniffling, I felt a presence beside me, but I didn't bother to look at the person.

"What? Are you here to bribe me because I'm vulnerable right now?" I scoffed as I let a few more tears trickle down my face.

"It just seemed like you needed some consolation. What's better than sharing your problems to a random stranger?" he spoke.

"You could be a serial killer for all I know." I sniffed. It was starting to get colder, but I didn't care.

"Fair point." he concluded and there was a wave of awkward silence.

After a few minutes later, I heard some shuffling from his direction and felt a fabric being wrapped around my neck, "Here, take this. We don't want a freezing prince, do we?"

Before I could reject his advances, he had already wrapped the scarf. I sighed in defeat. I guess I was just too tired from what had happened today. I honestly don't care if I'm getting hit on by a serial killer.

Jokes aside, I was actually freezing. The snow was starting to fall heavily, and I didn't have any outer wear.

After what seemed like forever, I finally sobered up from all that crying.

"What about you?" I broke the silence, finally looking up at the man. His face was all but a blur because I ran out of the house without my glasses, but I could tell that he's really tall. Probably taller than me.

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