4️⃣ Quarrel <3

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Title: Quarrel (Cute, fluff)


Jeon Wonwoo – 26 y/o

Kim Mingyu – 25 y/o

Just Mingyu overworking himself and Wonwoo got worried about him.

Wonwoo's POV

It has been twelve hours since Mingyu had locked himself in his office and I didn't dare to disturb him because I knew how important this project was to him. This wasn't as bad as his previous project though. I remembered how he went without two days' worth of sleep and how he almost passed out due to his heightened anxiety and stress. However much I nagged at him, he wouldn't budge and there was nothing I could do besides offer him my utmost support. He was that stubborn. With that being said, this is possibly the worst work ethic one could have. It's unhealthy and he's literally putting himself high at health risk.

I sighed. If this keeps going, he's going to die even before he retires.

Worried, I paced up and down the living room. Although this exact scenario had happened before, I can't just stand back and let history repeat itself. I need to do something.

He hasn't come out for breakfast and now that it's almost dinner, I haven't heard from him since.

While musing, many questions had spiraled around my head,

'Did he pass out?'

'Is he starving himself?'

'Is he doing alright?'

I was restless.


Mingyu and I have been together for as long as I can remember. It all started when our friends had set us up for a blind date with each other. They were complaining about how single I was and how I was always grumpy and envious around couples. Obviously, I was against it at first, but they kept whining and pushed me to it.

I mean, I guess there's no harm in making a new friend if the blind date doesn't go well, right? However, they assured me that this person that they had set me up with is right up my street.

Lol. Impossible. I have very high standards, okay? I'd prefer a taller male. One who can protect me, one whom I can joke around with, one with a funny sense of humor, one who is respectful of boundaries, the list can go on but most importantly, of course, one who has a healthy body *wink wink*.

I know finding someone with these traits is too far-fetched. Everyone has their own flaws. Even if I found someone like that, I would think he's a little too sus.

Anyways, a week after my friends had suggested me the idea of a blind date, I decided to show up without delay.

And ta da, a wild Kim Mingyu appeared before my very eyes.

And ta da, a wild Kim Mingyu appeared before my very eyes

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