7️⃣ He Doesn't Have To Know <3

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Title: He Doesn't Have To Know (cute kind of, fluff)

Jeon Wonwoo - 22 y/o university student

Kim Mingyu - 21 y/o university student


Third Person's POV




In the very living room of Jeonghan's condominium, drunk Wonwoo, who can't even walk straight, kept calling out for his crush's name.

"Urgh, you're so heavy." Jeonghan complained as he tried to lift Wonwoo off from the floor, "Why did you even drink so much anyways?" He huffed, nearly out of energy from bearing the weight of his best friend. He had wanted to bring him to his room so Wonwoo wouldn't have to whine because of a sore back the next morning. He could picture Wonwoo groaning for the rest of the day if he fails to do so.

"Come on now, Wonwoo. Please be obedient, yea?" but it was no use because Wonwoo kept lying on the floor, not budging one's muscle.

Jeonghan eventually gave up and settled down next to his drunk friend. Honestly, he's never seen Wonwoo behave this way before. The sight before him was a rare occasion that Jeonghan can't help but swept his phone out from his pocket and started to capture a few pictures of drunk Wonwoo, even as far as recording him.

You know what they always say, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart.

"Ya, Jeon Wonwoo. What's the purpose of your visit today?" Jeonghan started questioning, the beginning of Wonwoo's nightmare.

"Hmmm... id dnontt,l knwmow..." Wonwoo mumbled, his speech slurred.

"Okayy? Why did you drink tonight? Did someone make you sad? Mad? Upset?" Jeonghan pressed but he had gotten no response in return.


"Then... did something happen between you and Mingyu?"

Just like a ticking bomb waiting to go off, Wonwoo finally gave in. He had begun to bawl his eyes out.

"Oh my." Jeonghan hurriedly stopped the recording and grabbed some tissues before handing them to Wonwoo.

"I-I like you, Mingyu..." Wonwoo cried and cried, "I like you so much, Kim Mingyu... what do I do?"

'What?' Jeonghan stopped in his tracks, not believing his ears.

"My heart hurts so badly right now, Hannie-hyungg. I feel like it's ripping apart. I feel so suffocated." His sobs turning into loud cries.

Jeonghan's heart broke at the sight.

'Wonwoo likes Mingyu?' Jeonghan thought, still in disbelief. He had known Wonwoo for years and not once did Wonwoo show any signs of him liking Kim Mingyu. Of all things today, he would've never expected Wonwoo to admit his feelings in a drunken state.

The Wonwoo he knew was calm and collected. Someone Jeonghan would rely on the most, but this time, Jeonghan knew he had to step up, as a friend and as his hyung.

"Oh... Wonwon..." Jeonghan kneeled next to him, leveling himself at Wonwoo's height and engulfed him into a warm hug, "It must be hard, Wonwoo-ah... don't worry, hyung is here. Hyung knows so you can just let it all out in front of hyungie. I'm always here for you." Jeonghan reassured him but Wonwoo only cried harder.

Jeonghan could only pat his back softly and wait until Wonwoo calms down. He understands that Wonwoo is still drunk, and his emotions are all over the place, so he waited and waited and eventually, Wonwoo fell asleep in his arms.

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