Beach episode

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( this wonderful person gave me this idea  ZC_AceWolf )

 (and this is like some where after the hermits go to empires cause yes also can somebody give a link for the hidden in the sand music vid cause so some odd reason it won't work if I try and get the link but maybe if somebody sends it here and I add from the link you give it might work please correct me on any spelling mistakes)

Thinking: llll                   Talking: "."

Third person POV:

It was a normal day in the Empires server, everyone was either building, talking, fighting, or just planing things out  in their head for idea's of what to do that day. Grian was doing something with scar, running along the sea's shore. Just than Grian had one of the best and the worst Idea he could have had, he decided to invite everyone to come hang out at the beach and swim (not gonna fucking lie i typed 'and' , and for some odd reason I have never typed this it went to dnf like how in the fuck) so he grabbed his comm and sent a message 

<Grian> Hey! do you guys want to come and hang out at the beach?

<Tango> Sure i'd love to

<GeminiTay> sure why not

<fWhip> Okay :)

<Docmm7> wouldn't hurt to go

<SolidaryGaming blow up>

<Tango> !!!! How!

<Grian> Ha! are you good Tim?

<SolidarityGaming> Yes i'm fine Grian

<Grian> Okay but are you gonna come?

<SolidarityGaming> Yea yea fine i'll come

After Grian got everyone to come he told them to bring some that you don't mind getting wet and/or some water toys (water guns, pool noodles, really anything you like to bring swimming) once people started coming Grian would greet them and either push them in the water or throw water at them. In which they would either grab him down with them, or grab some  water and throw it back towards him. once everyone got there some where playing volleyball, laying down in the sun, talking, swimming, or splashing each other with water. (I just looked at the time and i'm two minutes late from it being 1:23 I already got the time 12:34 but I have to get the time 1:23 idkw though) 

Tango's POV

I was just chilling chatting with fWhip sitting under an umbrella to hide myself from the sun, when I saw Jimmy walking around just keeping an eye out so we don't get hurt. I didn't know I was staring until fWhip said something about it. I stared to get a bit of a light shade of pick on my face "I was not!" "Uhuh sure you weren't" as fWhip continued to tease me about it, a random water balloon came out of no where hitting fWhip and barely dodging me. fWhip then ran off trying to find the person who had thrown it, he found them and was now chasing after Doc. 

Soon I was just left alone sitting there with my thoughts thinking about stuff, why was I staring at Jimmy, I mean Jimmy's really cool if you ask me. He's always in tumble town though why does he never come out of it unless he needs something from someone, or just for really bored and decided to look around the server. Why is Jimmy alway thinking about others and how they feel other than him self?   My thoughts were interrupted by someone waving their hand in front of my face, and calling my name over and over again trying to ask me something. I just quickly said "Yes? what do you need?" They just stared at me with a concerned look, they finally spoke after a couple sentences, "Tango are you alright?" "Yes I am why do you ask?" "Well grian started playing music, and asked if you have anything you want to play, but you never answered." "Oh i'm sorry I guess I was lost in thought" " we'll do you still want to play a song?" "Sure!" "Okay, come on." As I followed Sausage over to Grian I was thinking of what song to play, and I chose Hidden in the sand cause we are on the beach and it's calmer than it was at the start. After I requested the song I went back to sitting in my little spot under the umbrella. I was staring at Jimmy again without me knowing, and this time he him self said something about it. My face this time turned a darker shade of red, and having Jimmy see's that I am red in the face isn't slightly confused about it but just shakes it off. 

Rancher duo cause there's not enough of them one-shots with some multi partsWhere stories live. Discover now