Beach day pt3

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I don't really feel like the other one had a make-out session, so imma try putting one here just more in the story.

And i'm sorry that I have been gone for so long, school ended and I fucking forgot how to write.

TW: none?

Tango's POV:                                                                                                                                                                             I was sitting near the stairs that lead up to Jimmy's room, looking over the chats on the comm. 3/4 of them were talking to each other, but the other 1/4 were death notes. Though one of them didn't have a name to it, it just said ______ blew up.

Some others saw this message, but just thought it was a glitch in the code. I just put the comm down, standing up to go looking for Jimmy. Is he in the bedroom, not there. Outside working on a build? Nope not there either

After looking for awhile I had no luck in finding Jimmy. There was one place I haven't looked yet, the mines. I never really liked the caves in Tumble town, they're a slight tight space to be in, and I can't see to far ahead of me.

As I slowly walk through the dark cave I start to hear a soft click every step. The more I walked down the cave the louder it got. I had soon got to a point where it couldn't get any louder, and turned a corner. There I see Jimmy making the small tight cave longer, and adding small light at some point.

"There you are I was looking for you." I say walking closer to Jimmy. "Hm? oh yeah sorry I should've said something to you before I left." Jimmy said, turning to see me standing there next to him. 

Jimmy's POV:                                                                                                                                                                             Tango is just slowly walking over towards me making me move closer to the wall. "Tango what are you thinking of doing-?..." I asked many thought running through my head. Tango just stayed silent, and kept walking closer and closer to me.

(I don't know why but I feel like i've written something like this before)

"Tango answer me." I said trying to get him to tell me what he's planning to do. My back is now all of the way against the wall, and Tango still walking closer to me. "I just thought, while no one can see us or come looking for us." Tango stated "Mhm.." "Why not-" Tango stopped himself as he connected our lips. 

I was sure a surprise, but I gave in and kissed back. Tango somewhat picked me up to his hight, still having my back up against the wall. Tango licked my lips asking for entry, I thought about it, and decided to be a bit mean sense Tango didn't really give a warning. 

Tango was not to happy about it, Tango lick my lips again just more aggressive to make me open my mouth. I gave in and opened my mouth a bit, Tango instantly pushed his tongue in. I had just let Tango do his little thing before he pulled away, I starred at Tango, he had small smug look on his face. I was a bit confused to this, but I didn't think about it to much until.

"You need to relax more Jim Jam, you are to tense." Tango said, I just looked away towards my stuff that I had dropped. "You can't tell me what to do." Tango didn't like this answer, "You, sir Jimmy Solidarity need to learn I am taller and I have stopped you from doing many things!" 

Third person POV:               

Jimmy was beat red, redder then Grian's sweater. Tango noticed and just carried Jimmy out of the mines. "Hey, w-wait I wasn't done it there put me back." Jimmy complained, "Oh hush, you need more sleep so I will make you sleep." Tango kept walking, not taking much notice to his complaints.

They reached the house, Tango still not setting him down but closing the front door and walking up stairs. Laying Jimmy on his bed, and Tango  crawling on top of him laying flat to pin Jimmy down. "Tango, let me work!" Jimmy once again complained. "No, now shush cause I'm trying to sleep." Tango smirked knowing Jimmy will complain again, but Tango has a plan. "Un-hand me Tang-" Tango cut off Jimmy by kissing his lips. "I told you shush, and sleep." Tango went back to laying on Jimmy.

Jimmy just scoffed, and didn't really fight it. He laid there motionless but can't seem to fall asleep. Jimmy thought about complaining again but Tango was already asleep. And not wanting to wake him up, he sat still for hours and hours.

Soon enough the time hit five. (p.m.) and Tango shifted a little, and Jimmy knew Tango doesn't move in his sleep. Jimmy didn't feel bad about moving anymore, and lifted Tango off of himself and moved so he could set Tango back down. "nooooo-.... come baaack...." Tango sleepishly whined. "Nope,you've kept me there long enough. I have wrok to do, plus it's five p,m." Jimmy answered to the tired flame laying in his bed.

Tango lifted himself up, and rolled so he was sitting up. Jimmy was just about ready to go back down stairs until a warm embrace form the back stopped him from moving. "Tango this ain't gonna stop me, I'll work till midnight if I have to." Jimmy almost dragged Tango down the stairs with him.

At the bottom of the stairs Tango pulled Jimmy to the couch, and made Jimmy sit  onto it. "Tango let go." Jimmy said feeling   embarrassed even though no one was there with them. "No." Tango said followed by give some kisses to Jimmy's neck, seeing if this will keep him there.

"T-Tango, these sudden- affections won't keep me- here.." Jimmy stuttered. "No? I think it is though~." Tango mumbled into Jimmy's neck. "Wha- no I could easier get up." Jimmy said childishly. "Let's see, you try and get up as I kiss your pretty little skin." Tango said smirking and going back to kissing Jimmy's neck. Jimmy didn't even move for a few seconds but than tried to get up off of Tangos lap.

"Not working to well huh? Pretty bird." Tango teased, Jimmy didn't know how to feel about these new teasing names Tango has given him. "Uh, well- uh- no-? But I will eventually. And you out of everyone should understand, do it before you forget. Right?" Jimmy tried to make an excuse to leave for the mines again.

"Your silly little excuses won't work on me~." Tango stated "And My projects are big projects, so I will forget about them and start a new one. But I have torchy to remind me." Tango said.
(I say torchy is his chat)

Jimmy tried his hardest not to blush and give in. "Well I can't sleep until it's dark out, and you will wake up at midnight if you go back to sleep. So come with me in the mines?" Jimmy said just pleading to leave his house.

1186 words
Annndddd this is next chapters problemmm!!!! Yippee! Gn/afternoon/morning my dear lovelys 😍 💅💓

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