Broken? Pt5!

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(I'MMMM BACKKKKKK, I know it's been a while (since someone with style.) Sorry.  I 'left on accident' for a year or so, my bad. but let's see if I can write more on weekends and in the summer! anygays enough talk, BACK TO THE GAY !!)

TW: Angst/Fluff   mentions of puking=⚠️(first paragraph, eighth paragraph

Third person:                                         ⚠️Grian was taking care of Jimmy, with a little help from Joel and fWhip. Joel would come in almost quickly getting kicked out by Grian every thirty minutes, and fWhip would come to check and help him. even Scar came over to help, mostly to cook and help clean up. Grian's not one to cook soup and easy-swallow foods, sometimes Jimmy couldn't eat/swallow the food, he would throw it right back up. Grian had found a solution to this, after Jimmy would throw up, Grian would wait a minute to make sure it was all clear, he'd give him the food until thirty minutes.

Jimmy wouldn't stop apologizing about plans having a setback, Grian would roll his eyes and say it's fine. No one on Hermitcraft had told Tango, Jimmy wanted it to be a surprise. Jimmy knew that there wasn't going to be a problem with a little setback, but he also wanted to give Tango the gifts he got/ had made for him. Jimmy didn't know how Tango would react if he had gone to Hermitcraft. Soon enough he let his mind drift into bad and difficult reactions, almost sending himself into a panic attack and close to hyperventilating. Thankfully Grian wasn't far from the door, Grian could hear Jimmy's breaths getting louder,faster, and heavier.

Grian almost broke the door from how fast he opened it, seeing Jimmy had small tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Grian crouched by his side, hugging him like an older brother. Trying his best not to make him cry, or have a panic attack.

"Hey, we'll go straight to Hermitcraft right after your able to stand and walk around. Alright?" Grian said trying to reassure him. "...okay...I just let my mind run, sorry..." Jimmy whispered not letting any tears fall.

Jimmy was falling asleep and Grian realized, Grian started to make Jimmy a bed on the floor from a few pillows from the living room, and a blanket from hus room. Grian laid Jimmy down onto the pillows slowly, putting the blankets on top of him. Putting a small night light on turning off the lights and slightly closing the door. Shorty after someone came to visit, it was Scott? "Scott? What made you have an unexpected visit?" Grian questioned keeping Scott at the door. "I came to say hello and see if I could help. I know Jimmy really wanted to go see Tango again." Scott simply replied.

Grian didn't really know what to do or say, he just moved out of the way and let Scott enter the house. Scott noticed the bathroom door only being cracked open and it being pitch black in there besides a small light. As Grian closed the front door Scott opened the bathroom door peeking his head in and seeing a bundled up Jimmy sleeping on the floor of the bathroom.

Scott closed the door back to where it was before, "Sooo, you have it sort of handled?" Scott asked. "Yeah, I did have some help coming in and out. But I got him to sleep." Which wasn't a total lie, Grian did get Jimmy to sleep. Just not in the way you'd say to someone. "Before I leave tell him to take a hot bath or shower. I should know I was his husband for awhile. Hot baths and showers will help." Scott said walking towards the front door. "Right,yeah I'll tell him.." Grian said Watching Scott leave

[Time skip to when Jimmy wakes up]
⚠️Grian heard shuffling coming from the bathroom, which was lead by throw up hitting water. Grian had almost ran to the bathroom whipping the door open, seeing Jimmy bent over the toilet puking. "Jim Jam-..." Grian rarely called Jimmy that, Grian would only call him that if he was worried, proud, or scared. After a while Jimmy stop puking, and was just slightly breathing heavier. "Hey, Scott stopped by, he told me to kinda forced you to have a hot shower or bath." Grian said sitting next to Jimmy. Jimmy didn't really say anything he just agreed, slightly nodding.

Grian started a hot bath putting bubbles into it, knowing he'll probably have to help him. Either with his wings or his hair. ((😠😠)) After the bath was done filling up he asked Jimmy to test the water putting his hand into it. Jimmy almost melted into the water, which signed it was the perfect temperature. Grian stepped out of the bathroom tell Jimmy to get in the bath, also saying he doesn't have to stand up to get it.

Soon Grian heard a splash in the water signing Jimmy got into the bath. Grian peeked into the bathroom making sure he could go it, He walked in slightly closing the door and sitting down near the tub. He could almost hear Jimmy's sleepy smile, while Jimmy laid in the warm waterd tub.

Grian just sat and waited if Jimmy needed any help, surprisingly Jimmy didn't ask yet. Grian didn't think much of it, until it was silent... too silent, Grian just did a quick lean over the side of the tub. Seeing Jimmy asleep inside of the tub didn't really surprise him. But Grian didn't want him to some how drown in warm bubbly water. Grian reached hus hand over towards Jimmy's head, and pushed his head with a finger. To which that didn't work, so Grian did it again. And again and again, until Jimmy woke up.

Not caring that Grian was just there poking him awake, but more caring about the warm water he's sitting in. And if the bubbles will mess something up with his wings. Jimmy sat up slowly, and brought his wings in front of him. "Heh, you need help with your wings Tim?" Grian simply smiled leaning on his hand the other supporting it. Jimmy sighed and nodded. Draping a wing over the edge of the tub.

1053 words, I'm dropping this chapter here, hope I feed y,all a bit. BYEEEE 💅💓

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