Broken? Pt6

73 0 5

TW: SH mention,

Third Person:
[Time skip to when Jimmy can actually move with out puking]

"Alright Tim, ready to go see your other half again?" Grian said with a hint of tease. "Yeah, but before we go I have to make sure I've got everything." Grian stood there for three minutes while Jimmy checked. "We can go now" Jimmy had the biggest smile he ever had plastered onto his face.

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🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️⚕️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️♋️🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺<><><><>epic portal change<><><><>

Grian was the first one to make it to the other side. Jimmy stepped through and came out of the other side. His outfit had changed from a sheriff to a normal white shirt and a nice sky blue jean jacket. Thankfully the gifts Jimmy had gotten Tango were still in his inventory.

"Ready to go find Tango?" Grian asked handing Jimmy an elytra. Jimmy put on the elytra and nodded very fast, with a smile only a child could have. "Good x-eye-zuma said that Tango was in a forest biome. Most likely a dark oak." Grian tossed fireworks at Jimmy and then flew off. Jimmy followed cause he didn't know the way around Hermitcraft.

There were a few dark oak biomes but not to many. The first one Grian brought them to check was the one around Tangos place.

((Don't come after me I don't remember what Tango was and wasn't around))[his base]

They spent some time wandering and wandering looking for Tango. Eventually they found him, but it was more like Tango found them.

((I'm proud of this)) [I'm not good at drawing eyes most of the time the eyes I draw look like '

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((I'm proud of this)) [I'm not good at drawing eyes most of the time the eyes I draw look like '.' ]

Grian stood somewhere leaning onto a tree, as he watched the way Tango and Jimmy showed affection. Grian walked over to Tango, "You wanna know that shit we've been through just for Jimmy to see your alive." Grian teased knowing damn well if he left out any details Tango would notice, but if he said all of the details Jimmy would get scolded.

"I'll wait for Jimmy to tell me. But I have one thing to say from the topic." Tango said turning to face Grian. "And that is?" Grian asked for himself and Jimmy. "You know from the life series after one of us dies our pain is linked for an hour or so." Tango answer turning back to Jimmy, and running his finger along the almost healed Self Harm scars.

"Heh- my bad..." Grian sighed rubbing the back of his neck with and awkward smile. Tango just shook his head, "Jim Jam why are you talking?" Tango lifted up Jimmy's face with his hands. Jimmy was.. crying "ohh, sweetheart why are you crying. I'm not going anywhere ever again." Tango said putting his head on top of Jimmy's.

Jimmy slowly with tears grabbed out the stuff he got Tango. Jimmy gave Tango the flowers first. To which Tango puts one in Jimmy's hair using his ear for flower support. Jimmy grabbed Tango's right hand and put the ring on it. Grian thought he was sneaking by taking a few pictures. Tango noticed but he just shot Grian a glare.

After the ring and the flowers, Jimmy dropped himself over top of Tango. Tango was pushed into a laying position, to which he hit the ground with a small thud. Grian leaned onto a nearby tree, and watched the two smile and give each other non-escalable hugs. 

Soon enough It became dark and to where monsters would spawn. Tango would let Jimmy stay at his place, Grian's got his own home to which he was slightly forced to go back to. Of course Grian wasn't happy to get swatted away by Tango at first but then Jimmy did it. 

Jimmy stayed in the same room as Tango, he (jimmy) didn't want to leave his side for as long as he could. Tango was actually the first one to hit his bed. Tango didn't expect any visitors so there was no guest bed ready. Jimmy noticed and just laid on top but also off of Tango. Jimmy was surprisingly the first one to fall asleep, Tango stared and lightly brushed his fingers cross Jimmy's yellowy gold wings. Slowly falling asleep to the softness of the wings.

731 words

((wsg, I was gonna add another drawing [it was slightly requested] but I had wrote this part on my chrome book so you get the one drawing :q))

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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