Broken? Pt3

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(Starting where it left off)

As Jimmy wabbled to the bathroom, He fell getting right back up knowing fWhip heard him hit the ground. "Jimmy are you alright in there?" fWip asked through the door. "Yup doing just fine..." Jimmy replied almost instantly. "Ooohhkkkyy then just call if you need something." "Alright.." 

Jimmy was now inside of the bathroom tending to the cuts. Wrapping up his arms and legs. fWhip decided to check up on Jimmy though, "Hey Jimm-... Jimmy where in the heck are you?!" fWhip yelled a bit. "Oh- uhh just in the bathroom, but you can't come in!" "Why not." fWhip questioned, "Cause the bathroom rules, you can't go in if someone is in there first."

"That's stupid!" fWhip raised his voice a bit more. "No it's called privacy, fWhip." Jimmy snapped back. 

With in a couple minutes Jimmy came out(Fruity/j) of the bathroom wobbling a bit, but fWhip didn't notice and sat on the bed. "There i'm out now why did you come in?" Jimmy questioned. "Well to much alone time and you could kill yourself so, no." fWhip replied. 

"Like I would do that." Jimmy said with a small laugh at the end. fWhip didn't find it funny, he found it as a way to stop the conversation. "You would do that cause you have tried 2-3 times already."  "So those don't count that was when people were around."   "I was right out side of the door(s)."

Jimmy did know how to close this sentence up faster 5en it is going to, so he just stayed quiet. "Ugh! come on i'm taking you to Joel" fWhip said grabbing Jimmy's wrist a bit hard. "ow ow ow-." fWhip let go of Jimmy's wrist a bit. "show me your wrist's Jimmy Solidarity." fWhip used a name he doesn't usually use so Jimmy knew HE knew. "no I don't wan-." Jimmy couldn't even finish his sentence before raw hip already pulled up his sleeves and unwrapped a couple band-aid wrap.

"Why... why Jimmy, why?.." Jimmy fell silent not knowing the true reason, but to him it felt good. "I-.. I don't... know." "I'm calling Grian and telling him about this." fWhip said taking out his comm. "What- No no no no, you can't do that he'll go full on mama bird, on me!" "I don't care is better then what I would have done." fWhip said putting the comm down knowing Grian's over here in a couple seconds.

They both are silent Jimmy was almost looking for a hiding stop but know it would make his situation worse, by wobbling over to some place. after a couple of seconds almost a minute Grian was at the door ready to break the house in one million leaves to find Jimmy. Though when Grian entered he saw Jimmy sitting down with fashion death staring him down.

"fWhip you can go." This spooked fWhip and Jimmy, they did not know Grian was here already they didn't even hear a firework go off. "Alright just text or call if you need me to talk to him." fWnip said walking out the door and closing it. "Now tell me Tim, Where, how, when." Grian spoke walking slowly over to Jimmy. "Wrist, legs, pocket knife, couple minutes ago." Jimmy didn't even try and fight back to Grian's words he knew what would happen and he didn't want it to happen.

"Why?" Grian asked knowing the answer already. "I don't know... maybe Tango, the feeling or something I haven't figured out yet." Grain just nodded his head to this getting an idea in his head. "Hey. when we go back to HermitCraft you can come with and say Hi to Tango again. how does that sound?"

Jimmy looked up at Grian a face that says 'really you'd allow that?'     "Yeah i'd love that." Jimmy said with a small smile. "Good cause you didn't have a choice. I just need fWhip permission first." Grian  said walking towards the door. "Okay." Jimmy replied knowing Grian would do it even if fWhip said no.

(I end here cause well next thing of this should be them going to HermitCraft thank you @beanyKID3 for the idea on the Jimmy goes to HermitCraft

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