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(I didn't know what to call it but this was requested by THEdakXta_DXT enjoy)

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(I didn't know what to call it but this was requested by THEdakXta_DXT enjoy)

TW: self harm, angst, not much fluff, and somewhat suicide:D

Third person POV (but is focused on Tango)

Tango was building one of his new Idea's to add in HermitTown ( I forgot what it isn't called ;w; ) , and out of nowhere a creeper came crawling up behind him.

<TangoTek was blown up by a creeper>

<Grian> What?!

<fWhip> how?!

<Solidaritygaming> !!!!

That was it Tango was gone from Empires, one less hermit, one less helper, but what scared some people was, no more RANCHER. Some of the people were scared on what Jimmy might turn into cause of Tango's death, well other's ran over to Tumble town to check on Jimmy. Grian was the first one to get there he was just about to pass by when a death message came up. Once he had landed he was running around calling for Jimmy "TIMMY WHERE ARE YOU!" In which he got a soft reply from Jimmy which was a yell for Jimmy, but a whisper to Grian and some others that got there. "Nowhere of your concerns!" They all had to split up trying to look for Jimmy. No one had any luck finding him, until Scar got there. Scar was the first person from HermitCraft Jimmy had met. Scar went towards Jimmy little base entrance that was put under Jimmy's house. It was the only place Scar could think of, Scar was going to get the others but had a second thought about that idea.

As Scar slowly walked down to Jimmy's little under base, he could hear quiet sobs coming from from closer to the bottom floor of the base. Scar slowly turned the corner and saw Jimmy holding somethings Tango gave him as gift's. Scar slowly walked over to Jimmy, sitting down not really talking but more observing the room. As he looked more towards Jimmy direction he saw small blood puddles. Scar slightly froze to the sight of Jimmy having blood coming out of his arms, Scar also grabbed Jimmy's hands a bit so he could grab the harming tool's Jimmy had. Jimmy had a small pin, and a pocket knife. Scar searched Jimmy a little more to see if he had anything else. In which he did Jimmy had a Rope, a small bag, and.... Tango's coat that Jimmy stole from Tango, and kept it not giving anyone it not even Tango him self. Scar soon got everything through his head and quickly picked up Jimmy (bridal style) and ran back outside. ( something is wrong with me this was fun to write at around 2-3 a.m.? )

As Scar walked out of the small hidden base, he saw Grian, fWhip, Shubble, and some others that were there to help. Scar just quickly asked "Who can help him!" A bunch of people jumped from Scar saying something the other looked in terror. Shubble answered with a some what trembling voice "I can make a potion quick if it'll help" Scar just said right after not even caring if it won't do much "Great you do that and someone come help me wrap him up." 

Scar's POV:

A little after me and Grian warped Jimmy up, Shubble the witch can and gave him a small bit of a healing potion, trying not to give him to much, so he'll lose some emotions. she told us "Only a little a day never to much he might get even more hurt than he already was." Which cause Grian and I to turn our heads to each other connecting our minds thinking  'Can't do it buuut we'll forcefully give this job to fWhip, knowing he can do it way better'. Shubble saw this, and just went to go tell Fwip about it also knowing what they were thinking. 

                  The next Day 

Jimmy's POV

I woke up somehow in my bed? I found myself warped up and taken care of, which I thought was dumb that they did that. I looked around a bit trying to find something that would hurt me, but not leave anything for others to be able to see. What I didn't know was that someone was with me in the room just in the one place I hadn't looked the, door way. "Hey! what are you doing!?" That scared me a bit slowly turning my head to see fWhip standing right next to me by now. I just say a quiet response "Nooooothingggg" fWhip angerly responded "Well it doesn't look like nothing, do you want me to get a very tired anger Grian over here to make sure you don't try and do anything dumb?!"  I was a little scared from the thought of a tired and angers little parrot sitting either on top or next to me digging holes in to my head. "no..." "Good cause I didn't want to deal with that either.

I was about to get up, but fWhip just pushed me back down. "No you can't get up you have to sit here and rest." "WHAT? WHY!" "cause that's what everyone who know's how to take care of people said!" "I have work to do!" "Well now you don't." I just sat there with crossed arms and with puffed up cheeks, with the most disappointed look on my face. 

          time skip for two hours

fWhip had taken a little nap which you should never do when your taking care of someone. The only thing Jimmy has to be careful with, was sound. fWhip had big ears for a short guy. As I slowly started to get up I quickly grabbed something and ran far away so fWhip, or anyone knowing where I am. I found a nice tree to go and sit on a branch, and just... think. I was sitting there for sometime until I zoned out and dropped the thing i was holding it make a louder noise than I thought it would have, and caught someone's ears. That someone was Joel. "Jimmy what are you doing out here?" "uhmmmmmm... totally not sneaking out." Joel just started at me, he then grabbed me and threw me over he shoulder carrying me back to fWhip. "Joel put me down!" "I'm not gonna put you down until you get back to fWhip and heal up! "But he's gonna have a loooong talk with me!" "so?!" "so! Have you ever had to stay and listen to him yell at you for an hour?!"

"No and I hope I never have to" "yeah you say that as your gonna put me into more torcher after I lost my SOULMATE!" ..... "Oh... sorry umm how about we go over someplace so you can try your best to avoid fWhip ''I just kicked one leg up, and then back down signing as an okay.

After a little walk farther away from Tumble town

Third person POV (cause it's easier)

Jimmy was still getting carried on Joel's shoulder, he didn't like it too much. Then out of nowhere they heard yelling coming from in front of Jimmy, behind Joel. Joel turned around and squinted back there, he saw a very angry fWhip running towards them. Joel just quickly said "Jimmy you are the eyes in the back i'm the running!" Jimmy was very confused until he saw fWhip. "uhmmm.. Imma need you to RUN!" So Joel ran and ran until he got the high ground.

fWhip is a small guy and he can't jump too high either. Joel took this advantage and ran farther and went to his base up in the sky. Jimmy didn't like heights too well, he just held onto Joel tighter and forced his eye's to stay shut. Nobody really knew Jimmy had a fear of heights beside's Tango. Just the thought of Tango made Jimmy want to die, without someone who actually sees him as a person it's not fun.

Once Joel set Jimmy on a little bean bag chair, Joel Grabbed Jimmy's arm and pulled it closer to him causing Jimmy to hiss in pain. Joel took off the bandages, added a bit of one of Shubble's potions to the bandage and wrapped him up again. "How do you know how to bandage people if you're not a healer?" "MaGic!" Jimmy just rolled his eyes and set his arm's in a comfortable position on the bean bag chair. 

Hello I wanted tom get this out so you don't feel like i'm ignoring you DXT, I will try and make a part two if you would like me to 1439 words. 

anygays goodbye love you ❤️🌌🌅🌄

Rancher duo cause there's not enough of them one-shots with some multi partsWhere stories live. Discover now