Beach day pt2

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TW(S): Lemon???? Angry flame tango (I don't know what to put) If theres anymore please say

Third POV:

Jimmy picked up Tango, so now he's sitting on the counter. Still having their lips connected, Tango moved his hands down to Jimmy's waist. Jimmy didn't mind to much about that. They pulled away for air, and they just looked at each other. 

Jimmy just picked up Tango again and brought him up stairs. Tango was then gently set on Jimmy's bed to, make out more and cuddle after. Tango almost, but never did set the bed on fire from how happy and hot he was.

(I'm not simping for Tango way would I do that,...unless.... no I'm not a simp don't mind this)

Tango was just laying there underneath Jimmy who was getting closer every second even if, Tango thought they were done with the kisses and all the affection. 

They again heard a knock at the door this time Jimmy got up, and went to open the door. Tango was a bit sad about this, but he thought it was probably something important. 

Jimmy's POV

I opened the door, and you won't guess who I saw it was the man him self fWhip. "What do you need." "Well... you see.." fWhip didn't know what words to use or how to say this with out making him angry. "Well?" ".... You see.. everyonekeep'scallingyouatoycauseyoulooklikewoodyfromtoysyory,andnowthiertakingitwaytofarwithit." fWhip said it like he didn't want to deal with a yelling Sherif today. "Slow down not even Grian could understand you." "Everyone. Is. Calling. You. A. Toy. and. They. Are. Taking. It. To. Far. With. Their... stuff."

Third person POV

Tango heard most of the conversation, but what really made him set on fire was the word 'Toy'. Tango got up, out of Jimmy's bed and walked down the stairs ready to punch someone. Jimmy heard the stairs creek and turned to see and very angry Tango. "Who." fWhip was confused by who's voice it was he didn't know all of the Hermits voices yet. Jimmy tried to prevent an angry Tango from setting the server on fire.

fWhip and Jimmy felt/heard their comm go off, and looked at it.

<SmallishBeans> Hey woody, how would you like to come to the beach again.

Jimmy was a little scared on what Tango would do if he read the message. He turned to look at Tango but he was nowhere to be seen. He looked back at fWhip who was terrified. "Everything okay fWhip?" fWhip didn't say anything just pointed behind Jimmy. Jimmy turned his head a bit, and saw a very angry Tango who was almost just a ball of flame reading Jimmy's comm. 

"Ohhh... Hey Tango everything's okay he didn't mean it." Jimmy said trying not to make Tango run to Joel, and set his whole empire on fire. "Where." Tango is only saying one word, but Jimmy knows exactly what he is trying to get out of fWhip or Jimmy. "He's know where that we would know" "You know fWhip. Where. Is. Joel." 

fWhip was not trusting his voice and just hid behind Jimmy's door. Jimmy didn't see fWhip so he just closed the door and dragged Tango back upstairs. fWhip was thankful that Jimmy closed the door, but also scared sense their is now a fire ball in Jimmy's house, and the red desert is very flammable.

fWhip did 't want anything to do with Jimmy's house setting on fire, so he just ran out of their and went through the nether back to his base. 

Tango was placed at the top of Jimmy's bed, and was just attacked with hugs and kisses from Jimmy. Tango was calming down a bit but was still on fire just not enough to hurt Jimmy. "Do you wanna go back to the beach, and lay down next to the waves?" Jimmy asked kinda wanting to go. "mhm... sorry..." Tango replied sounding a bit tired from the burst of flame. "What are you sorry for it's okay to get mad sometimes." Jimmy said trying to cheer up Tango.

Rancher duo cause there's not enough of them one-shots with some multi partsWhere stories live. Discover now