Chapter 3

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Picture: P.I.X.A.L Comforting Zane
Borg Industries: Ninjago City
COC: Zane, Cyrus Borg, P.I.X.A.L (Sorta)

"Are you sure you want to do this Zane"? Cyrus asked. He nodded silently while Cyrus got his tools to enter his brain, which was where P.I.X.A.L was. Or more precisely her Neural Drive was. See Zane and P.I.X.A.L were Androids, Nindroids, Robots, call them what you will but the were both made of metal. A few weeks before P.I.X.A.L had followed him to Chen's island. She had been following him to help him escape in the process she was disassembled, though the memories of how we're still fuzzy to her... Only her neural drive was intact. It was a hard drive that contained her ... Essence. Zane had inputted it into his head processor so that they could both escape, and while he loved having her there, helping him, it was pretty packed for one brain. Cyrus had agreed to build her another body but that was the easy part...

The hard part was getting her out. If done incorrectly it could damage Zane it would be impossible to fix. "Don't worry Zane" P.I.X.A.L said from his head. "I'm not worried" he said out loud. "That's the spirit Zane"! Cyrus replied unknowing it was P.I.X.A.L he was talking to. But P.I.X.A.L was giving him a serious look. "Zane your fear levels are almost at full" she said knowingly. He sighed. She gave him a sorry look. "I'm positive Mr. Borg won't disfigure your mind" she added trying to be helpful. "Thanks, but that isn't exactly helpful" he replied to her in his mind.
"I know"
"I wasn't trying to be"
"I was telling the truth"
"Uh huh"
"I was"
"I'm still scared"
"I know"
He sighed again, arguing with her would always end in him losing. "Are you ready Zane"? Cyrus asked indicating the table. Zane gulped but answered "yes" and laid on the table.
"Good Luck" she said to him

*ON HOLD* Phoenix Turner: Speed Book One In The 2ndG SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now