Chapter 4

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Picture: Griffin Turner Running
Speederz Race Track : Ninjago City
COC: Skylor, Kai,

"He should be here" Skylor said as she saw Kai enter the track. "who should be here" a voice called out. Griffin Turner ran a loop around the track stopping in front of Skylor and Kai, a toothy grin on his face. "You, actually" Kai answered. "Yes" Skylor brought her phone out and brought up the picture she'd taken of the hologram. His toothy grin faded... He studied it for a few minutes and Kai could've sworn he saw a tear reflect through his sunglasses. "Turner"? Kai asked. "Wha, yes yes, uhhh yes" he gulped. "Is this your daughter" Skylor asked. "Yes I, I haven't seen her in years. She 19 now, I think"... "So the picture is an old one" Kai asked. Turner nodded and Kai had never seen him so sad. "Why haven't you seen her"? Skylor asked
" I can't" he replied, when he saw their confused faces he continued.

"Hannah was an amazing wife, but she didn't know" his voice trailed off. "She didn't know what"? Skylor asked. Kai's face showed his realization. "You didn't tell her about your powers"!
He nodded shamefully. "But why, why would you hide a part of who you are" Kai asked, Skylor still shocked. "I wanted a normal life" he replied "I wanted to have a wife and child who didn't think I was crazy, so I hid it. Or I tried, see you can't just not, use your powers, it surged through my veins like adrenaline. An adrenaline rush I couldn't contain . So every morning I went out for a "run"" he sighed "one morning she saw me run, and if you saw someone run faster then sound, well let's just say when I got back there was a note. That said" he paused as if a knife stabbed his heart. "It said I was a crazy freak, and that she didn't want her daughter to grow up with me. So they were going somewhere where I would never find them, and I never did.... Phoenix was 3, she wouldn't remember me" he finished. They were speechless. "I'm so sorry" Skylor said sympathetically. She wished she could say more, but she didn't know what to say. "It was 16 years ago" he shrugged. But when Skylor had patted him on the back she and seen in his head... She saw him reliving memories of the 3 year he'd spent with his daughter, the smiles on their faces. "Turner do you have any idea where she is, we have to find her" Kai asked "I'm sorry, I have no clue" he replied miserably like a bullet wound had been reopened. Kai looked at Skylor with a look of "what do we do"? On his face. They thanked Turner for his time and headed to leave but then they heard a "wait" they turned to face him. "There is one way, that you could find her...."

*ON HOLD* Phoenix Turner: Speed Book One In The 2ndG SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now