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Darcy sat in the spell stores attic and found Mind Magic spell to put on Bloom's pants she still had.
"I have looked through loads of Earth stories the protagonists all have something in common with Bloom feeling dead as if they were never born never truly being alive wherever they've lived given that a good chunk of those protagonists are orphans."

"And I'm good at making a warm environment appear cold and dead and ghastly and extremely lonely and gloomy." said Darcy. "Here it is. The Incantation To Ruin A Perfect Night Throughout the Weeks.

"Howls of a the Black Wolf cloud, eerie repetitive cawing of a flock of crows and low tempo croaking of the ravens, haunting whispers of a tricksters coyotes' pack family, black magic secret nightmares arise vividly make her sleep maddening and restless these next 6 days. Shadows grow and hug her tight poke at her push at her buttons like a pricking thorny vine. Cast across her sight an irritable sight now and temper she will loose right in front of her friends afterwards. Taunt her remind her she can't trust nobody here period. Secrettus nightmaricus visionu vividus spectaculous arises at dusk tonight appearay! I Queenly Witch of Nightmares command my shadows to terrorize this new Earthling girl throughout the week completely endlessly minions!"

The black intense shadow magic went right into Bloom's piece of pants. Now she needed a way to get it back to Bloom rather quickly she settled with the riff between Raine and Bloom.

She found the Princess's phone number and called her up.

"What is it Miss Darcy?"
"I heard you and Miss Peters seem to be having an issue of getting along, patching things up, and don't like each other, I have something she's missing, her pants are ripped, I have her piece of pants, would you like to take them back?" asked Darcy. "Like a start to an apology?"

"Fine! Where are you?"

"13th Square Street, Owls, Ravens, Crows and Quills Cursed Bookstore."

"I'll be there in half the hour." said Raine unaware the item she was going to return to Bloom was cursed with black magic.
In 30 minutes she came in, Darcy handed her a purple box with red ribbons tied on the lid to keep it closed. Raine took it back to Alfea Academy she knocked on their neighboring apartment door of 3600 Ace answered. The girls were together in Bloom's room continuing the Snow White Story they had halted, before they began, Flora walked up, and invited Raine to join them in Bloom's room. "Would you like to join us reading a story, Princess Victoria?"

"You'd let me into your room after how rude I was being?"

"We know how to forgive." says Flora calmly. "Come on, you two don't wanna miss this suspenseful Earth fairytale."

We entered Bloom's room and sat in a circle, legs folded, Raine on Bloom's left and Ace on Raine's left. "Alright Musa, let's continue the story."

"The scene unfolds on the Queen upon her throne in the palace." Musa reads a box, a red highly decorative box sitting on her, in front of her one of the Kingdom's loyal huntsmen, bowing on one knee." She hands the book off to Stella who reads the next two lines. "Take her far into the forest to some secluded glade where she can pick wildflowers." The Queen orders her huntsman."
Stella hands the book to Flora who read the next two lines. "Yes your Majesty." The huntsman answered the Queen. Flora hands it off to Tecna who reads the next seven lines without fear as she had seen cold stuff and it didn't scare her it couldn't find a foothold. "And there, you, my faithful huntsman will kill her." The Queen demanded without remorse. Her orders firm and concise even despite this firm instruction he protested. "But your Majesty, the little princess!"

 "But your Majesty, the little princess!"

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