Hi, I'm Bloom Peters nee Domino, co leader of the Winx Club those famed fairies. My friends are Stella, Flora, Tecna, Musa, Aisha and Frieda. We make up the Winx Club. My best Earth friends are Andy Handler and his older sister Eva-marie Handler. I...
"You've hadn't heard apparently I'm the talk of the townspeople these days for reasons I have no idea why!" I responded.
"You don't look a fairy to me, Earthling!" Lilac tells me.
"That is what an ordinary person would say to a stranger when they haven't gotten to know them." I stated. "Speaking of which you mistreated one of my friends a Linphea citizen by Linphea rule standards."
"Oh, so you're friends with the cutesy flower girl who lives in the wild heart of the forest of Linphea realm."
"Her name is Flora and she is the fairy of all nature not just flowers, Lilac!" I exclaimed roaring and suddenly there was a sound of dragon noise entering my ears. A burst of dragonfire gathered into my hands and I hurled it at the stupid ex fairy of Alfea Academy.
"Hey, you singed my outfit."
"It was a terribly contrasting choice of color and now some black is diverting you're blinding color popping as it should. You'd never catch me wearing pink-nor orange together. They don't go together."
"Nor do yellow or blue!" Lilac retorted.
"You poor wistfully thinking child on Earth tons of people would mock you for your clothing choice, missy!" I warned her now. "Stay away from my friends, Miss Flora and Princess Stella of Solaria!"
"People of Earth have no fashion sense then." Lilac retorted. "Tell your friends I send my regards."
"You really think I'd give a bully like you the time of day worthy enough to deliver your message. Hell no, I don't give my own neighbor the time of day with her snarky comments." I say back. "Besides black goes well your heartless heart, Miss Lilac."
Lilac walked away from me at that she hadn't been able to get in a word edgewise with me anyways. I won that battle. I detransformed and return to my civilian outfit with the old gold apron round my shirt and waist.
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Tomapptole fruits are up on the tree there fill ths wicker basket and be careful they like to squirt when taken off the tree twigs. I set up the stepping ladder and took the empty wicker basket in my arms and heaved myself up onto the thickest low branch where I could straddle myself across as I picked the hot pink fruit from the higher branches. The fruit smelled like apple blossoms back on earth. They squirted white foamy juice that smelled just like a tomato to me. And it tasted like a tomato fondue in vanilla extract if you can believe that, Skylights.
I had picked 50 tomapptole fruits, and placed them in the basket. I looked at my list my Supervisor Janessa had brought me.
"Cartaroberry." A tree that started way deep underground it was orange long fruit that smelled like strawberries from earth and the soil seemed to cherish the smell. "50 of them to harvest."
I knelt down and began to dig them up and soon my brows were filled with loads of sweat. I brought both heavy baskets back into the lodge kitchen. Jing started washing them and gave me a broom.