The First Ever Zenith Fairy

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"Oh, would you look at that," said Violete immediately. "Fill Sequoia in, I am to meet up with Faragonda and our Special case of Zenith Fairy in her office right now. Alfea's never had an electronically digitally aptly adapted fairy before."

That person Violete was talking about was no other than our amazing to be Tecna. Tecna's type of fairy was a test run at Alfea Academy. Tecna stood in Faragonda's office. Violete rushed up and heard part of her story.

"I was standing up for my people the citizens of Zenith, soon after that the King ordered a bone marrow disease to be spread by all citizens so they would be more susceptible to his rules since they'd have to replace bones with his wiring fixes. My people are literally being cut away from the rest of the world, my Dad saved me and made me a skeleton of wires that bear and channel my electric and technological ability easily but he had to bury my heart deep within a metal cage so loads of moments I can barely feel anything emotion wise. He said emotion was the threat to our King and he wanted to protect my emotions. He said in time they'd return. They looked for a safer place to find me."

"So you're a little cyborg, is that right Tecna?"

"Yep, with skin graft camouflage to hide my wired skeleton underneath. If it wasn't for my Dad I would have lost my mind and be as brainless as stuck as machinery the rest of my life." Tecna muttered tears formed out of her eyes.

Violete knocks on the door.

"Ah here she is, Tecna, this is Violete. She'll help you unlock those good heroic feelings in your heart to save your planet."

"I can't believe King Cryos would torture a heroine like that." Violete sighed. "I won't tell anyone if it spreads too far out in the open your parents would get caught back home, vow of a Rainbow fairy Princess."

"You are a Princess of Rainbow Valley."

"Yeah, but keep that on the hush hush, her enemies are still around, Violete Rainbow hour, my dear?"

Violete walked to Faragonda's open office window raised her right hand the rainbow's colors in the sky were lifted up to be brighter than before. Tecna was stunned. Everyone believed Rainbow fairies were a myth on her world. Violete sighed. The duties of maintaining the Rainbow's significant glow of strength put a strain on her. This was not her main focus, but every other fairy here at Alfea's life depended on it being done every hour. If the rainbow faded on her account she'd be remembered badly for failing other students and them collapsing to darkness and Corruption Point which she faced once and didn't wish to fall back into again.

His voice came back, it still clung on in the back of her mind. "Everyone on your home realm sees you as the fairy who ran leaping over debris and disappearing without trying to fight, Violete. The fairy so filled with fear, you picked up your feet and ran."

"Shut up, Corruption Point." She told him in her head as she remembered the chaos of home as a battlefield. Voices of sadness and sorrow fills her head. She could hear Tecna's own sad voice from miles away when she was talking to Griselda.

Confidently she spoke up. "Faragonda, that new girl, Stella brought with her it's not Princess Varanda, But I know she's the Keeper of the Dragonflame, I felt my magic get stronger then and there, ma'am." stated Violete. "I suggest we let her admit her true identity herself on her own, but pleased don't let Griselda get too hard on her."

"I'll speak with her, Violete, in the meantime show Tecna to her dorm and introduce her to the other students."

"You look exhausted, Violete." spoke Tecna.

"I am, how old are you?" asks Violete quietly now.

"I'm almost 16 birthday's December 15th, Violete."

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