Chapter 3

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Monday returns a couple days later, every student on the campus dreading the start of the school week. Sandra sits in her dorm room with Kira, they both share nearly all their classes together. They head down to the dorm's kitchen to have a small breakfast, afterwards they each get a large cup of coffee before walking to their first class.

"I'm pretty sure our teacher hates me" Kira says. "So many hours of lectures and homework each day sometimes I can't get enough sleep."

"I know the feeling, sleeping in class is hard to avoid" Sandra replies. "Hopefully our teachers go easy on us, it is getting close to the end of this school year. We are in our final year of college afterall."

"That's more of a reason for them to pressure us, but you can think what you want about it" she says.

Hours of lectures pass and the girls enjoy their lunch break together by the sports field. Mike and Sam are studying for exams across the field on the bleachers, and Aron spends his time with Mia. Those two have gotten really close since they met a couple days ago, they spend their time together whenever they can, in passing periods, before and after lectures, and sometimes in the evenings at their homes.

"Hey Mia, I was wanting to ask you this someday, but I figure now is a good time. After our college exams I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date?" Aron asks her.

"Uh, sure I'd love to" Mia says. "After exams I'll do whatever you want with you."

Aron smiles at her and returns to his textbooks and notes. Later after all their classes end Aron follows Mia to her home, her mother greets him with a smile, happy that her daughter has brought a friend home. Mia walks up to her bedroom and opens the door.

"Sorry if it's a little messy, I don't normally bring anyone over" she says to him.

"That's alright Mia, my room is normally messy too but my parents always make me clean it up" he replies. "So these are your drawings?"

"Yeah, they're not too good so I don't think you'll like them" she tells him.

"You're wrong, they look great," he says and turns to her bed. "Who's that in the picture?"

"I'd rather not talk about that" Mia tells him. "Do you want anything to drink? I can go down to the kitchen for you if you want something."

"Do you have lemonade? I'm fine with that or water, thank you" he says.

Mia leaves to the kitchen and fills a large cup with some lemonade and ice, returning to her room and hands it to Aron. The two play some video games and listen to music together after they finish their homework. Aron wishes her a good night before he leaves, he walks back to his home for the night. Mia waves him goodbye as he leaves and lays on her bed. She smiles to herself as she takes out her phone for some videos, afterwards she eats dinner and falls asleep.

The next few weeks pass slowly for everyone, a lot of stress and nerves as they all worry about college exams. None of them want to fail so they study their brains out every single day, and with all their hard work, most of them pass all their exams. The only one in their group who doesn't pass all their exams is Kira who, in all honesty, knew she wouldn't pass. The work load was too much for her and the exhaustion every day took its toll on her, causing her to sleep through most classes which her professors hated.

Mia and Sandra leave their final class at the end of their last day of that school year, ready to walk home to enjoy their summer break. Sandra spots Kira far ahead walking with Ruby and Sam and she runs to catch up.

"Hey Kira, ready for the summer?" Sandra asks. "Maybe we could go to the beach and have a party!"

"Oh Sandra, maybe that's not such a good idea" Ruby interrupts. "She won't admit it but out of all of us, she's the only one who failed this year."

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