Chapter 6

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As winter passes and the school year reaches its middle ground, Mia had gotten a part time job that she could work on the weekends. Over the last several weeks she had saved enough money on top of what she got from her parents and other family after her high school graduation. Mia's mom had talked with her about doing some renovations on their home, she wanted to invite Aron to come live with them if he ever wanted to move out.

Mia listens to her mom as she talks about moving out to live with her sister who is needing more help as she gets older. She tells Mia that because she's moving out within the next year that she'll have to be ready with a job, and to stay in the family home she'll need to not live alone. Mia texts Aron about their conversation and learns of his decision to move out of his home after college, and he happily makes the choice to live with her.

One day after Mia gets home from work she enters her room to lay on her bed. Her part time job isn't too tiring for her but with college 5 days a week plus her new job can have its effect on her. Mia crosses off Saturday on her calendar. She enjoys working at a supermarket, she has plenty of work to do and can enjoy brief interactions with coworkers. And thankfully for her she doesn't have to talk to too many people.

"Hey sweetie? There's a phone call for you" her mother says from the other room. "And you might want to shower before you go out."

"Okay mom!" Mia replies. "I'm coming!"

Mia leaves her room and answers the phone.

"Hello, who is it?" she asks.

"Hey Mia, I'm sorry to bother you but I can't find my brother anywhere" the voice says. "Can you please help find Aron?"

"I'm on my way" Mia tells her.

She could hear the anxiety in his sister's voice, her fear making it hard for each word to come out. Mia slams the phone down quickly and grabs her mom's keys. She leaves home quickly and drives to his home, there she picks up his sister.

"Did you talk with the police yet?" Mia asks. "When did you last see him?"

"I don't know Mia! I haven't seen him since yesterday when he came home from college!" she replies as she begins to cry.

"We'll find him" she says as a tear falls down her face. "We will."

Mia drives to the police station and meets with the chief, asking him if he has any leads to where Aron is. He tells her there's not much to go on but since there were no signs of a break in there were only two options.

"Well it seems like your friend either walked out from home, perhaps due to stress and he needed a break. You're part of his family miss?" he asks his sister.

"Yes, my brother hasn't been home for almost a day now" she says.

"Did he say where he was going when he left?" he asks.

"No. He didn't say anything and I don't think he would have gone very far, he didn't have his car keys with him" she says.

"I see. In that case, and this may have a chance we're wrong but, he could have been kidnapped after he left home" he tells her. "We'll do what we can to find him and we'll do our best. For now it would be good if you girls get some rest."

"Thank you officer" Mia says.

The girls leave the station and sit back in Mia's car. They know to leave the situation to the cops but their stress is too great and the girls break down in the car. Mia pulls herself together enough to drive his sister home, and to help comfort his family she stays with them, refusing to leave until Aron is found.

Ruby, Mike, Sam and the others aren't aware of the situation the girls are dealing with. But after some asking around the campus they find that Mia hasn't been attending classes for a couple weeks now. After classes that current day they all meet up and go to Mia's home.

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