Chapter 8

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Over the last half of the first week of winter break, Mia's skiing ability reached the same level as her friends. She had won a race with them down the hardest ski course and she's learned to love skiing over the last several days. She had also learned how to balance on a snowboard, she told Aron that she likes snowboarding a lot more than skiing, that somehow it's a lot easier for her and more exciting.

All of Friday and Saturday Mia goes to collect her snowboard in the morning, and she spends all day going down every path she can find. She even takes risks and goes off of a few paths, though she did eventually get yelled at by one of the workers in the area and by Aron. Mia settled down and was accompanied by at least one other friend to make sure she wouldn't do something stupid.

After a final ride up the ski lift for that Saturday afternoon Mia walks behind Aron as she follows him to the cabin. She hadn't planned on getting caught while off one of the courses, but apparently it was enough to have the owner warn her not to do it again. And Aron had wanted her to stop for the rest of the day to keep her from further trouble.

"Looks like someone made an error" Ruby says as Mia walks in looking a bit sad.

"Come on Ruby leave her alone" Sam says. "I get that you really love snowboarding now but you still have to be safe. Besides the owner came by to tell us and Aron nearly had a panic attack because of you. He wasn't sure if you'd get seriously injured or not."

"I'm really sorry" Mia says to Aron as she looks up at him. "It won't happen again."

"You're right Mia, it won't. Because you're staying here in the cabin for the next couple days" he says.

"Woah wait a second Aron don't you think that's too much?" Sandra asks. "Look she said she's sorry, she wanted some excitement and now she regrets it. You can't just shut her in here because you want to keep her safe!"

"Sandra please, I know that she needs to be safe but what I'm worried about is her ruining her life due to an injury or by doing something that could potentially get her banned from here, or worse yet get her arrested!" Aron tells her.

"Let's all calm down a little" Mike tells them. "Aron, I do agree with Sandra, you are going a bit too far with this. If I can keep Sandra and anyone else from trouble in high school I can do the same for your girlfriend now. I'll stay with her and watch her, and I will keep her from making any mistakes. Is this okay with you? Or do you not trust us anymore?"

"We're all friends here Aron" Sam tells him. "Please don't damage that today.""Alright, I guess I lost control of myself there. Sometimes I think I worry about Mia too much" Aron says as he sits down. "Thanks Mike, I'll let you watch over her for me."

"Don't worry about it too much, I'm happy to help out" he replies. "There's some wine left in one of the cabinets, you should relax and calm yourself down. I doubt Mia would like to be lashed out at again."

"Alright, I'll stay here for a bit" Aron says.

Mike leaves the cabin with Mia, Sam, and Sandra to do some more snowboarding. Sam goes down the path first with Mia behind him. Mike follows behind her to watch her carefully while still letting Mia have as much fun as she wants. When they reach the bottom Mia unstraps her feet from the board and leans it against a tree.

"Do you need a break Mia?" Mike asks her.

"Yeah, my feet are hurting a little" she replies. "You guys can go back to the top and continue, I'll wait here."

"Sam? Sandra? You two can keep going, I'll stay with her until she's ready to continue" Mike says and waves to them as they leave.

"You don't need to watch me for every second we're out here" Mia tells him."I'm doing it because it's what Aron needs. I'm sorry he yelled at you about it but to help him worry less I'm keeping you safe" Mike tells her. "Besides I'm not sure what he would do if something did happen to you. You are his girlfriend and for myself as his friend I'd do what I can to keep you safe."

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