Chapter 10

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Mia wakes up in the next morning and finds Aron next to her reading one of her books. His back to the pillows and his knees bent and pointed to the ceiling as he holds the book. Mia sits up and lays her head on his shoulder, she's barely awake but loves to be close to him.

"Good morning" Aron whispers to her.

"Morning" Mia sleepily replies.

Aron continues reading the book as Mia drifts back to sleep against him. A short while later he puts the book back where he found it and he carefully gets up off the bed. He lays Mia's head down on the pillow carefully before leaving, he closes the door quietly before going to the bathroom. Aron brushes his teeth and combs his hair, he does anything else he needs to in the morning before they go anywhere.

Aron walks into Mia's kitchen and spots a whiteboard calendar on the wall, he sees a lot of the boxes written in. Some of them for upcoming events or plans, and others for day to day activities. He sees that today is Monday and they have college to get to. Aron checks the time and sees they have a couple hours until they need to get to the campus. In the meantime while he waits he decides to make some breakfast for himself. He opens the fridge and finds some eggs, he gets out a skillet and cracks a few open.

Mia rises from her bed and rubs her eyes, she can smell what Aron is cooking which is mostly the reason why she's awake again. She walks out to join him in the kitchen to make some coffee.

"It smells good Aron" she says as she grabs the coffee pot and the beans.

"Thanks, do you want some before we have to go?" he asks.

"Go where?" Mia asks, her brain still too tired to process what day it is.

"It's Monday, we have lectures in a couple hours" he tells her.

"Oh, right" she replies as she starts the coffee machine. "I forgot about that."

"Too busy with the weekend?" he asks. "Along with your missed classes for 3 weeks you're probably in a habit of forgetting."

"Maybe, but you'd remind me each time. I can count on that" she says as she hugs onto him from behind.

Aron finishes cooking their eggs and he gets a bowl from the cabinet, he fills it and hands it to Mia who takes it with her to the table. Mia finds a note from her mom, she had come back home late at night while they were watching their show. Her mom made sure to stay quiet as she went to her room, and she had written the note before leaving early in the morning before they woke up. Aron sits across from her at the table as they each begin to eat.

"Hey Mia, you know spring is coming up soon right?" he asks her.

"Yeah, why do you bring it up?" she asks back.

"You know how high school typically have some sort of festival in the spring? It happens a lot more in Japanese schools like you might see in anime. But it's started happening a lot more in our area, and our college wants to hold one this year" he tells her. "I wanted to know if you'd want to go with me?"

"As a date?" she asks. "I'd love to go with you. Hey now that you brought it up maybe our classes will do something to help set it up."

"Maybe, I certainly hope so" he replies.

"Do you not want to help out for the event?" Mia asks.

"It's not that, it's harder for me to explain" he says.

"Can you try? Please?" she asks him.

"Even though I asked if you'd want to go with me, I've never been the type of person to like going to school events" he says. "The only reason I asked you is because I wanted to not be alone that day."

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