Chapter 5

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Aron wakes up and spots Mia sitting over at his desk, the chair facing the bed as she sits with her elbows on her knees. He sits up with a small stretch as Mia uses her phone with her earbuds attached. Aron stands up from the bed and steps next to her.

"Good morning Mia" he says. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept well, you have a really soft bed" she says. "Hey I got a text from my parent's while you were sleeping, they won't be home for a few days."

"That sounds... good. Why do you bring it up?" he asks.

"Is it alright if I stay with you? I have my own key for my home so I could stay there if your mom wants me out of here" she says.

"No she'll be gone at work all day, you can stay here if you'd like" Aron says.

"Hey brother does that mean I can take her shopping with me?" his sister asks through the closed door.

"Oh come on sis, leave her be" he says jokingly. "She's not going anywhere so you don't have to sound so pushy."

"Alright, alright. Fine. I won't bother you lovers too much" she says and leaves the hallway.

Aron rolls his eyes after his sister's comment, and he takes Mia to the kitchen to get something to eat. And a while later after eating the two go out into the backyard to relax on the hammock. Mia lays on his left with her head on his chest, her soft hair laying against arm.

"Do you have any plans for today?" he asks.

"Hmm, no I don't" Mia replies, her eyes closed in the sun. "Do you?"

"Not at all" he says. "We don't have much time left in the summer, want to go to the beach for a while?"

"Sure, I'd love to" Mia says and sits up. "I'll head home to get dressed. See you in a half hour."

Mia quickly walks back home, she gets dressed in her bikini and a set of clothes over it. She grabs a sun hat and locks the doors and windows before she leaves, and a little over a half hour later she returns to Aron's home and enters through the side gate. Aron stands near the gate as she opens it, he's wearing a ball cap and sandals with a couple towels and an umbrella next to him.

Aron loads up the back seat of his car and they drive to the beach to enjoy their last bits of summer. They spend all day at the beach and spend most of their time in the water, they enjoy a few races through the ocean along a line of buoys. At the end of the day they drive to Aron's home, he sets the beach supplies at the side of the house and they go in to shower.

"It looks like you two got some sun" Aron's father says when they enter. "Did you have fun?"

"We sure did, how was work?" he asks.

"It was alright. And Mia, I'm sorry you had to deal with his mother, I didn't want any trouble for you" he says. "Just be sure to clean up and not get sand everywhere or you'll really get yelled at."

"Alright dad, thanks" Aron says.

Aron and Mia take turns showering and afterwards they make their own dinner. Mia spends the next few weeks with her time divided at her own home and with Aron, she goes on dates with him and spends a lot of time at different places across the state.

As their summer ends Mike, Ruby, Sam, Aron, and Mia all take their time to apply for their senior classes. Their last year of college starts and as seniors there's a lot more partying and light pranks started by other students. The campus changed it's layout since the last year the group attended, the dorm signs were changed up and the seniors are all put in two buildings on the right side of the campus. Dorm homes are arranged by year with the bottom floors for the males and top floors for the females.

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