Chapter 9

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Mia wakes up late one day, she's almost stumbling out of her room and down the hallway as if she were drunk. She rubs her eyes and slowly enters the main room, she sits in the corner seat of the couch and curls up. Her mom is busy with packing some of her things and clearing out the basement. One trip after another she brings out old boxes and items that have been collecting dust and she sets them near the front door.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" her mom asks.

"Good" she replies quietly, nearly drifting back to sleep on the couch.

"Did you get enough rest?" she asks.

"I think I got too much, I'm still really tired and have a small headache" Mia replies.

"Would you like some coffee to help you wake up? I made plenty earlier but you'll have to warm it up" she asks.

Mia nods and her mother brings her a cup of coffee, Mia holds it in her hands and sips it slowly to warm her up. When she's finished she puts the cup on a table that sits behind the couch, and Mia lays back down again.

"Mia, do you have any plans for today? And as a reminder you have college to get back to tomorrow" she says.

"No, I don't have plans. I just feel like having a lazy day today" Mia says.

"It's not good for a girl like you to just lay on the couch all day. I'll be at work from noon until late in the night, so you have the place to yourself for a while" she says with a suggestive tone.

"Okay? Why are you saying that weirdly?" Mia asks. "Wait, you don't expect me to invite him to our home do you?!"

"Sweetie please, if I know you well enough, and I do, you'd invite him over sooner or later" her mom says with a laugh. "Besides Mia, you two will have more fun if I'm not here."

Mia buries her face in a pillow after thinking about what her mom meant by that. She hides her blush under the pillow as her mom holds back from laughing a second time. She takes Mia's empty cup and washes it out before returning to the basement. And later at noon her mom leaves for work after saying goodbye to her daughter.

Mia thinks about what her mom said to her in the morning, and she knew that her mom was right. She did really want to get with Aron for the day, but she wasn't so happy about having him over at her home. Mia gets up off the couch and goes to her room, she makes her bed look a little more neat and she cleans up her floor just in case he's ever in here.

Mia walks out of her room and sees the boxes her mom got out blocking the hallway. Mia moves those to the side and stacks them up against the wall, and as she sets the last box up she hears some talking from outside. She goes to the window and opens the curtain a little, she sees some of her friends walking by.

"Do you think she's awake by now, she couldn't be sleeping still can she?" Kira asks Ruby.

"I don't know her sleep schedule, she could be dead asleep or too awake to have gotten any rest. Or she may not be home" she says.

"Well if she's home then maybe she can join us for a while at the beach" Kira says.

"The beach, really? That's your plan? It's winter Kira come on, the water will be freezing cold!" Ruby says.

"You're afraid of some cold? We've been in worse weather when we went skiing, remember?" she says.

"Fair point" Ruby says as they walk up to the front door.

Kira knocks on the door and Mia opens it and greets her.

"Hey Kira, what are you doing here?" Mia asks.

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