Chapter 7

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It's Saturday morning and Mia sleeps soundly in her room. The sun shines through her window as birds chirp and fly about the yard in search for food. She usually wakes up early each day for college but now with a two week break she's finally able to sleep in. Her mom had woken up a couple hours earlier and made some breakfast, bringing a plate into her room and setting it on Mia's nightstand.

Mia wakes up and rubs her eyes, her nose instantly smelling the food her mom had left for her. She sits up on her knees on top of her bed and reaches up, she grabs the edges of the curtains and opens them. She sits back down and props up her pillow behind her, she sets the plate on her lap as she looks out the window to the snowfall. Mia eats her breakfast, a mix of toast, sausage, eggs, and bacon.

She finishes eating twenty minutes later and washes her plate, she goes back to her room and puts on some black leggings and jeans. She zips up her jacket and goes to her front door, she opens it and goes out to check for any mail. Mia flips through the small stack, junk mail, bank notices, and a few pamphlets. She sees a envelope at the bottom of the stack and brings the mail inside. She tosses the rest onto the kitchen table for her mom and sits at the table with the letter.

She opens the envelope and reads the paper:

''Hey there honey, I know this letter may come late for you and I'm sorry. I lost track of it because my mom was yelling at me again, I don't know if I should tell you this or not but she's not happy with our relationship. What should I tell her? I'll probably figure something out so we can still be with each other. Anyways I hope you're doing well. I don't normally write letters but I figured why not? I think writing to you is pretty special, but, if you think it's too cheesy then I'll stop. I'm looking forward to our date though, I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun. I'll try to reach you later when classes lift up, maybe we can hang out during break and have some fun with the others. I love you Mia, you're my world. <3 - Signed Aron''

Mia smiles to herself after reading his letter, she gets up and puts on her shoes and leaves to go to his home. She jogs through the snow and finally reaches his front door. She knocks a couple times and waits.

"Hi Mia, you here to see Aron?" his dad asks. "He's up in his room talking with his friends, come on in."

She knocks on his door and opens it slowly, she steps inside and sits on his bed. Aron pauses his conversation and greets Mia, he says something over the phone and puts it on speaker so Mia can hear.

"Hey there Mia, how's it going?" Sam says. "Aron and I were just talking about plans for the break, Mike's been looking at a nice cabin up in the woods we could stay at. It's apparently near a ski lodge I think, anyways he wanted to see what the rest of us thought and if we want to go."

"Um, I uh, yeah I'd love to go Sam. I just need to talk to my mom about it and see if I can go" Mia says. "Who else is going so far?"

"Well it's going to be myself, Ruby, Mike, Sandra, and you two. I had asked Aron earlier if he could find Kira and ask her as well" he says. "But once we're all on board for the plan we can head up there, the costs are all taken care of by Aron, myself, and Mike."

"Are you sure I can't pitch in for any of it?" Mia asks him.

"It'll be fine as is Mia, just go ask your mom about it and get back to me about it" he says. "I'll see you later, Ruby needs help with something, again."

"Alright, see you later Sam" Aron says with a laugh as he ends the call. "What brings you by Mia?"

"I got your letter in the mail, I read it after I woke up" she says.

"Oh you read that, I thought about tearing it up before sending it to you. I didn't think you'd want to read it" he says.

"I liked it Aron, it was very sweet of you" she says and kisses him. "Feel free to write to me any time."

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