Chapter 17

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Harry's POV:

I'm an idiot. I'm such a god damn idiot. I consistently repeat in my head bolting far away from the boy I can't live without.

I head straight for the back door of his humongous mansion-like house and I quickly open it not looking back at the wide eyed boy.

"Hello Harry! Did you sleep well?" I hear a very familiar voice bubble with a delightful tone. I head for the dining room which was where the voice came from and I am greeted by the whole Tomlinson family, excluding Louis of course.

"Yes I did m'am. Thank you for inviting me over but I think I might have over stayed my welcome." I exclaim watching the children eat their breakfast and Fizzy throwing food at Phoebe. I giggle at the two girls and they look up at me with I big grin.

"I missed you Harry! I didn't know you moved here! Why didn't Louis tell us you guys got back together like old times?" Lottie says standing up from the table and giving me a big hug. "You should stay longer! It won't bother us right mum?"

"Harry you're like family here. You can stay as long as you want." Mrs. Tomlinson cheerfully says placing a pancake on a dish and handing it over to me. I glance at the others whose attention is on me and I discover Mr. Tomlinson giving me a snarl which makes me even more uncomfortable.

Politely and kindly, I refuse the dish and tell the Tomlinson's that I must be leaving because I have known that I have stayed way too long and that my family needs me back at home.

I get my jacket and phone from the music room and my other belongings as I head for the door. Well, this has been an eventful week. And I can't wait to tell Liam about it!

I take out my phone an I notice that I have 6 unread messages.
One from my mum, one from Niall, one from Liam and three from the Unknown texter.

Niall: Having fun at Tommo's house Harry? ;) sent at 9:00 p.m.

I look at the text in bewilderment. Why the hell is he texting me that? Niall is so weird. Wait... Does he know I like Louis?

Mum: What time are you coming home dear?

I quickly text her back that I was coming now and she replies with the classic "okay be safe".

Liam: Hey Harry!! Where are you? Want to hang out?

I texted him that I was at Louis' house and that if it was okay with him I really want to talk to him and hang out. I texted him my address and he said that he will be there soon.

And last but not least, I take a look at the unknown number and what he sent me.

Unknown: Okay. I know you said you would call the cops but I just want to tell you something.

Unknown: I'm falling in love with you more and more every single day. Every time I see your face it makes my heart melt like a Popsicle stick. I want to hold you in my arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ears an tell you that no one will hurt you ever again. I want to protect you and show you how much I care for you. I crave for you Harry.

Unknown: Sorry for wasting your time Harry.

My face lights up reading his text and I hide my face in my hands. As I walk further and further away from Louis' house the more I feel more detached from the boy that in falling for. But now that he knows that I like him, I have to keep my distance away. I be think I just made a huge mistake.


It is almost noon when I open the doors to my empty home and plop down on my couch. My mother and father just went to work and Gemma is away at college so, like usual, I'm home alone.

And now, I can finally process what happened yesterday. I kissed Louis Tomlinson. His lips are so warm and soft and plump and everything I need in life. I brush my fingertips across my lips feeling the lingering touch of his lips on mine. The moment was so beautifully perfect.

My head falls down to the clothes that are on my body and I notice that I am still in Louis' pajamas. I know I could've changed out of them but I thirst for his scent. It's so musky and flawless just like him. As I fall deeper into my daze about him, I am interrupted by a knock on the front door.

I leap up from my comfy spot and gallop to the doorway opening it up with a huge grin on my face. When the door opens, there stands a wide eyed Liam eying my body as if he doesn't even know me.

"What the hell Harry? What happened to you!" He demanded stepping into my house and circling me to get a closer look at my tattoos.

"I forgot to tell you I had them. Hehe sorry, Bud" I giggle patting Liam's back as his jaw is still dropped to the floor.

"You're covered with them! Why do you cover them up? And your hair! It's so wild! Where are your glasses?" He screams and admonishes me while my fingers reach my face causing me to notice that I left my glasses in Louis' room.

My prescription for my glasses are mostly for protection because if something hits my left eye, then it can cause me to go blind. But my right eye still has 20/20 vision. [A.N. That's a true fact about me.] After I took them off in Lou's room I must have forgotten to put them on because I kissed him and ran off.

I laugh at Liam and how he is so puzzled by the way I look at the moment. We sit down on the couch that I was on just seconds before and Liam wears a sly grin on his readable face.

"So..." He starts as he wiggles his eyebrows and shimmies his arms back and forth. "You went to Louis' house!! What did you love birds do?"

"Ummm..." I fall over the words that are fighting to escape my mouth. "W-We kissed."

With only seconds after the words fall from my mouth, Liam jumps up in a frenzy and starts to dance on my couch sliding the pillows from under him and throwing them in my direction. I begin to freak out with him because saying out loud that he and I kissed was sort of like a confirmation that it did in fact happen.

Liam calms himself down from his very fangirly moment and huffs from being out of breath.

"HOW!?!?" He shrieks almost blasting out my eardrums and pouncing on me begging for the answers.

"He complimented me and told me I looked nice. Then he tackled
Me over and so... I..." I stutter looking back at the moment and blushing at what happened next in the story.

"SO YOU WHHHATTTT!?!!??!??" Liam screamed shaking me while bouncing up and down. The suspense looked like it was going to kill him.

"So... I wrestled with him until I was on top of him and I kissed him. It was dumb I know but I couldn't help myself. He is just so attractive and beautiful. After The kiss, I was
So embarrassed I ran from him but he wanted me to stay and he brought me to his tree house. Just the two of us. So we looked up at the stars and he complimented me again..."

"What did he say?" Liam asked with so much wonder clear on his face and shifted closer to me nudging for me to say the answer.

"Well," my face lights up looking back on the night before. "I was looking up at the stars as they lit up the sky and I whispered to him 'Aren't they beautiful?' And he looked over at me and let out a breath and let out 'Yes. Yes you are.' And I couldn't stop blushing like an idiot and..."

"Oh my gosh Harry!!! Larry is so real!!! I ship it so much! Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" Liam squealed in such a girly way almost making me cry with laughter.

We talk for hours and hours which was mostly me talking about Louis and how amazing he is. Then I hear a knock on my door. I shoot up befuddled on who would be at the door other than family members.

"We're you expecting company?" Liam clucked standing up to see who is at the door.

"No." I remark slowly sliding to the door as my eyebrows knit together. I reach for the door knob and open it slightly.

I am surprised to see nothing but a small envelope held down by a paper weight. I completely open the door and shoot my head out to circulate the doorway to see if anyone was around and I pick up the tiny envelope. I read the front of it and it reads in somewhat neat hand writing:

To: My Angel

Unknown Lover (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora