Chapter 12

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Harry's POV:

After Louis and I finished up reminiscing about our past and looking back at Valentines Day in the 8th grade a sudden wave of sadness overlooked Louis.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask generally concerned about him as he looked at me with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed putting his hands over his eyes. "I was and am such a jerk to you. After we were on top of that Ferris wheel, I didn't know what to do and when we got off and I hit you I'm so... S-sorry. I... I don't think I can ever forgive myself for being so rude to you and forcing you change schools. I-I just didn't notice how much I really..."
Louis is cut off with heavy sobbing again and I place my arm on him as I watch him cry for the second time today.

"It's okay Louis. Really. It's not your fault that I'm a bully magnet. It's not your fault I'm the way I am. It really isn't. I forgive you." I say meaning every word that spews out of my mouth.

"Harry..." He snapped at me sniffling away the tears that just left his face. "Harry, you're not the reason people are assholes. You're really not. It's not your fault that you love people of the same sex. You were born that way and I respect you for that." He explains as he twiddles his thumbs and avoids any contact with me.

This doesn't seem real. He's being so kind and sweet and accepting of me. Why did he never do this before? Why did he hate me so much? He still hates me doesn't he? Is this what he wants? He's doing this on purpose isn't he?

"What happened to you? Is this a trap Louis? Are you trying to make a fool of me? Am I a part of one of your dumb games? Did Zayn set you up to do this?" I question standing up quickly from the piano stool as I hold in the tears that I am so close to releasing.

"Oh! Let's just make fun of the gay nerdy kid! That would be hilarious! Let's bring him to my house and make a fool out of him!" I mimic limping and wincing in pain taking my bag off of the table behind me as I head for the door.

"Harry! Please! Don't leave!" Louis yells after me taking me by the arm and turning me around.

"This was a mistake! This is just a joke and you and Zayn are probably going to laugh about this when we get to school! I'm just going to leave now so I don't have to deal with the extra pain. Bye Louis." I hiss as I forcefully shake him off of me and exit his house darting down his driveway as tears pour down my face.

"Harry! Don't leave me again!" Louis screams from the end of his driveway and his voice fades away in the dark gloomy night.

Freezing and shivering, I ran down block after block until I knew I was far from Louis' residence. I knew it was to good to be true! Why am I such an idiot?

I stopped running when I found the local park and took a seat at the swings crying my eyes out.

After a few minutes of sobbing, the phone in my pocket buzzes and I wipe away the tears as my blurred vision reads the screen.

Unknown: Hey Harry. You alright? I saw you get beaten up today.

My blood begins to boil and my face burns a deep red as I get frustrated at this unknown person.

Me: Okay I want you to stop it!! You always see everything like a stalker!! You barley ever help and you won't even tell me your name!! CAN YOU PLEASE STOP OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE!!

Unknown: I'm sorry Harry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry. I should've never started talking to you. I messed up. I knew this was a stretch and I know for a fact you hate me in the real world. I'm so sorry Harry for what I did to you.

What did he do?

Me: What are you talking about?

Unknown: I'm sorry

I'm so confused! My head is throbbing from my constant crying and from the frustration of these situations. I put the puzzle pieces together before I fell in too deep with Louis. I knew he did this just to torture me. To make me feel worse. To solve some "unfinished business" of hurting me not only physically but emotionally.

As for this unknown person, I use to enjoy him being around. Heck, I still do but he probably is someone else playing a trick on me also. Zayn's right. All of my so called "friends" most likely hate me and use me to kick me around like a punching bag. Everyone I've ever known, other than my family, find something in me to hate about me.

I want to die. No one will ever love me.

The clouds turn a dark grey and sooner or later it begins to rain. Instead of leaving, I stay seated at the swing thinking about the end.

As I become soaking wet, I take out the pocket knife out of my back pocket and flip it open. I use to be in Boy Scouts so I kept it in my pocket but now I use it for the times where I feel unwanted.

"No one can love me," I murmur to myself in a quiet whisper taking the blade and placing it near my skin. "No one can love someone like me."

A single tear falls down my face as I put pressure to the knife that is against my skin.

A concerned voice squeaks from behind me as I try to wipe the fallen tears away. I look at the blade as I put more pressure watching it begin to cut open the scars.

"Harry!!" The voice screams as it gets closer and closer by the second.

"Don't do this Harry!" The voice yells even though it is muffled by the rain pattering on the park's sidewalk floor.

"W-what do you want L-Louis?" I ask standing up from the swing and turning around ever so slightly. My arm is stained with blood and my eyes are blurred from both rain and tears.

"Harry," he sweetly comments moving closer to me with both of his hands awkwardly behind his back. "Don't do this. I'm sorry I hurt you... I-I don't think I could ever forgive myself. But I like ... And you are..." His voice is cut off by the sound of the pouring rain that is beating down on us.

He looks like a Goddess when he's in the rain. The clothes he wears hugs his body so tight that I could see every tattoo of his and I want to trance every one with my fingers as we cuddle in his warm bed.

But he won't do that because he's straight and he probably does that to his ex girlfriend every night anyway. What the hell are you talking about Harry your mad at him! My head reminds me as I turn away from his irresistible body.

"Harry," he comes closer as he whispers down my spine. He turns me around and I see the sadness ad hope in his eyes. He stands in front of me awkwardly as his legs are crossed and his hands are placed behind his back.

"Harry...." He whispers staring straight at my lips as I feel my heart melting on the inside.

He takes his arms from behind his back and shows me the red object that he hid.

"A rose for my angel"

Unknown Lover (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora