Chapter 31

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Louis' POV-

I am kneeling on the floor and asking for forgiveness. He yells and screams at me. I've hurt him too many times for him for him to forgive me. I am not good for him. But, he thinks that he deserves getting beaten up. And he's such a beautiful creature. He needs to find himself because there is so much more to him than his glasses and sweaters.

I'm kneeling on the floor crying about how much I screwed up this time. Tears are falling from my face and even though Harry wouldn't look back at me I couldn't keep my blurred eyes off of him. Judy picks me up by both of my hands and drags me out of the room.

I plop down to the floor and cry even harder. Judy pats me on the back and tells me to let it out. And I do.

"Hershel, after Luigi died, He couldn't stop blaming himself. He got lonely and depressed. Every second he wasn't with Luigi the more he thought about being with him again. So on their anniversary of the year Lu died, Hershel killed himself. Leaving me with their newborn kids." Judy explained as droplets form around her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I squeaked because now he was crying even harder.

"I told you this story because they loved each other so much. They would do everything together. And yeah, they fought with each other but, by the end of the day, they would be in each other's arms. They loved each other. And I can see it clearly in both you and Harry's eyes. Just wait Louis. He will forgive you." Judy says as I listen with tears still streaming down both of our faces.

"Didn't you hear what he just said?" I started to yell. "He told me he wouldn't forgive me! He hates me! And just because he's gay doesn't mean that he has actual feelings for me. He did kiss me once and tell me he had a crush on me but I know even if he did like me before, I've ruined all of my chances with him."

She looked at me as if I had ten heads. She actually looked kind of pissed off. 

"You're kidding me Louis. He loves you. You don't notice it but he does." Judy says with so much confidence I almost believed her. Almost.

"Just leave me alone to rot. I'm never going to forgive myself for what I've done. I love him so much and he finally realized that I'm not good for him. I'm the school's popular kid who acts like a complete jerk and he is the most beautiful independent boy who isn't afraid to be himself. I don't deserve him." I tell Judy and I hope that she understands. She stands there and stares at me for a long time.

"Here," she says handing me a golden key from her back pocket. "I know that you don't know me AT ALL and if I were you I wouldn't do this, but if you ever need a place to stay, here is an extra house key. The address is printed on it."

I refused the key but, she lays it down beside me and walks back inside to go check on the love of my life. You screwed up big time Tomlinson.

This is something that I won't ever be able to fix. I have hurt the love of my life out of hatred of myself and the acceptance of jerks that I call my 'friends'. I can't even look at myself without thinking about the pain I brought to him.

I hear Judy through the door as I move myself so my head is resting against it.

"Judy," his beautiful voice rings in my ears. "I like him. But I don't feel like he actually thinks of me as a human being. He just pushes me around and makes fun of me because I'm gay. He's the popular cool kid who gets all the girls and I'm the kid who likes boys and has a perfect grade point average. We are polar opposites. I can't believe we had stuff that was common when we were kids. Want to hear something funny? He and I were best friends. Yeah crazy isn't it?"

His sarcasm jabs through my heart and I finally realized that he has lost all of his interest in me. He hates how I'm a douche bag and how I hurt him because of my idiocy. He doesn't understand that my 'girlfriend' was forced on me by my father. I made fun of him because I am an asshole and I have a major crush on him.

"Harry it's not what you think!" I scream through the door. "I think your funny and kind and sweet and caring. You have no idea how much of a great person you are. You're amazing and anyone with be lucky to have you as a boyfriend."

Seconds later, Judy opens the door and I am face to face with him. His slim but curvy body. His ocean blue eyes. The way his hair flows in One Direction. Everything about him makes my knees weak.

I finally snap out of the haze and move my body. I get on one knee and begin to speak not breaking eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry for all that I've done. Please forgive me. I promise that I will never hurt you again. Ever." I confess hoping that he will accept my apology.

"Prove it. I can't just say 'sure' and then tomorrow go to school and come back home with a black eye. I need to know for sure that I won't get hurt. I'm sorry Louis but I can't accept it." Harry says and I completely understand. I slump up with my head facing the floor and I slowly leave the hospital. I can walk home from here. I think. Even if I can't, I deserve to walk home in the pouring rain.

Trudging through the rain, I pass a few different stores and I found a little bakery to warm up in. So I enter and order a tea with no sugar. The ladies that run the place are very sweet old women and one of them was on the phone.

"What?... Oh my gosh! Is he alright!?! What happened to him? What do you mean you don't know? No, Anne don't apologize! Go to your son! I'm so sorry!" The lady on the phone yelled loudly and I couldn't help to overhear as the lady finally hands me my drink.

"I don't mean to be an ease drop but what's wrong miss?" I ask politely hoping that it had nothing to do with what I thought it did.

"No it's fine dear we all ease drop sometimes. I was on the phone with on of our employee's mother. She said that he was in the hospital." The lady who was on the phone said.

"Is it Harry?" A lady in the back asked.

"Yes." The phone lady replied and my stomach dropped.

"Harry Styles?" I asked hoping that they were talking about a different Harry.

"Yes. Do you know him from school?" The lady asked. With those words, I took my tea and walked out of the bakery.

I drop down to my knees and begin to cry with tears streaming from my eyes.

"WHY DID I DO THIS!?!" I scream and the thunder behind me starts to rumble and the rain is trenching my body.

What did you do Louis? Tell the boy that you love him! Do something to show him that you care! Don't lose him.
I sob in the pouring rain regretting all I have done. And as the rain mutes out my voice, all I could force out was,
"I love you Harry."

Unknown Lover (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora