Chapter 16

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Louis POV:

My eyes open to a gorgeously handsome boy laying on top of my chest hugging me ever so lightly. His head rests on my chest and I hear soft little whispers come from his mouth.

"Mmm... Louis." He moans and my heart thumps around and beats against Harrys head.

"Goddammit angel... You're so hot." I mumble as I begin to pet Harrys wild morning hair. It's all curly and soft and adorable. He should keep it this way more often.

My eyes wander to the ink that stains his skin. Holy shit he looks so buff, hot and so bad ass! My fingers gently trace the ship that is on his upper arm until his mouth opens again.

"Mmm... Yeah Louis... Yeah," he moans even louder making me hard and my face a dark purple. Holy shit Harry! Damn it you sexy boy stop it!!! Ugh you're so hot!

"Ugh... Fuck me." His voice gets lower moaning in such a sexy voice that I pick up his head and crash my lips onto his.

Fuck you? Alright angel. If that's what you want. I kiss him so deeply but he still doesn't wake from his deep sleep. He moans against my lips and my erection is breaking through my pants. I pick him up not breaking the kiss and put his legs around my waist. Carefully and slowly, I climb down the ladder steps carrying Harry in my arms.

He wraps his arms around me and he literally looks like an angel. It's most likely because he is one. I know it. I peck him again on the lips before we enter my house.

He looks so sexy. He is wearing a white tank top showing off his tattoos on his arms and his chest. How could he cover them up? He's so hot. I want him to be mine so badly.

I walk inside my house with Harry wrapped around me like a koala. I inhale a delightful scent and notice that my mum is making pancakes.

"Lou. Can you come in here?" She sweetly remarks and I bring both Harry and I to the kitchen.

My mother catches the sight of Harry hanging on me and hugging me tight and she claps her hands in happiness. She cheerfully bounces and hurried towards her purse that was left on the dining room chairs. She digs into the purse and takes out a squared item. A camera.

Harry sniffled and I look down at him. Awe is my angel coming down with a cold? I guess I have to say with you to keep you warm Hazza. You're so cute. I boop Harry's perfect little nose and he sniffles again.

"Say cheese!" My mother beams pointing the camera in our direction. I was too distracted watching Harry sniffle in his sleep to look up at my mother and her camera.

"Oh my gosh this is so cute! Louis! Look at it!" She practically screams shoving the camera into my face. I giggle at how happy she was and I glance at the picture. Harry's arms are around my neck like they are right now and I am holding him bridle style as my left hand supports his back and my right hand are beneath his legs.

"Awe look at Harry!! He's so cute!" The words slip out and my mother giggles as my face reddens in embarrassment.

"Louiss..." Harry's voice muffles as his warm breath warms my chest. By instinct as if, I kiss him on the head and start to twirl his curly locks.

My mother lets out a silent "awe" and takes a couple more pictures. After she was done, I heard footsteps come down the stairs. Oh shit. My sisters! Dad! I have to go! A worried look crosses my mothers face as she pushes me out the kitchen door with the unconscious boy dead asleep in my arms once again.

I head back for my backyard and the hill that lies at the end of it. My arms tense up and I place Harry down on the grass ever so gently.

Harry sniffles once again and mumbles my name a few more times. I trance the "g" on his right shoulder and the "a" on the opposite one. I touch the holy bible that is on his right arm and I see the words "Things I Can't" written conspicuously and I stare at him longingly and I touch his skin again. Goosebumps form on both his and my arms and I plant my lips on the bible.

Harry moves a little and I rise my lips away from his unbelievable warm arm. Gazing at his eyelashes, I watch them flutter open and out blooms sparklingly lush orbs.

His eyes grow wide and he arises quickly from the prickly grass.

"W-where am I?" Harry's deep morning voice digs into my ears causing my heart to skip eight-teen beats.

"Y-you... Uh fell asleep here last night and I didn't want to leave you out here by yourself." I blush and scoot towards the curly headed boy.

"Oh... I'm so sorry for being such a bother. I've overstayed my welcome haven't I? I'm sorry I'm so clingy and strange. I'm so sorry for staying so long!" Harry scurries and shakes off the grass from his tiny curvy bum.

Smiling from his adorableness, I rise up from the floor, plant my palms on his goose bump filled neck and spin his body around to face me.

Please stay angel. I need you to stay and make me smile because you're so amazingly perfect. I want you to laugh in that cute way that you usually do. I desire for you to stay so we can spend time together like we use to and fall in love. Because god damn it Harry you have no freaking idea how much I crave for you to be in my arms every single day. I speak delicately in my mind.

I open my mouth to release the words that were said repeatedly in my head. My palms produce sweat as our eyes interlock for what feel like hours.

"I-I want you to stay." I force out breaking the eye contact stepping closer to his tall body. That's not what you wanted to say Louis. You're a dumb ass.

He lets out a low deep breath making me weak at the knees and I flip the hair out of my eyes.

"Why? You never wanted to before. And I over stayed my welcome Lou. And I forced myself on you. I'm so sorry for everything I did. I'm just a dumb gay kid with a stupid crush." He confesses and immediately wraps his gigantic fingers around his lips, embarrassed from what he has just admitted.


Harry likes me.

"Oh shoot. I'm such a freaking idiot. I have to leave. Thank you for helping me Louis. Goodbye." He panics and sprints away from where he stood just seconds ago. He doesn't turn back and heads for the back door to my house.

"H-he likes me. He still likes me." I whisper through my lips while my mind processes what Harry just told me.

I command my feet to go after him but my body shut down. My face turns a blue-purple color from blushing so hard and I can't hide the fond that must be so noticeable on my face at the moment.

This can't be real. I must be dreaming. I thought when he kissed me I was forcing him to and that he was just trying to mess with me. I didn't know he actually liked me.

And the feeling is mutual.

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