Paper rings

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Every day at school, Han Jisung makes a small paper ring for YN, carefully sliding it onto her ring finger when no one is looking. It has become their secret ritual—a way for Jisung to express his affection without words. Each paper ring holds a special message, written by Jisung himself, proclaiming something he loves about YN. From her enchanting eyes to the way she doodles on her notes, he captures the essence of her uniqueness.

As soon as YN arrives home, she eagerly opens the paper ring, unfolding it to reveal Jisung's heartfelt message. Blushing, she smiles at his words of adoration and appreciation. Unable to keep these precious expressions of love to herself, she takes each note and pins it to her bulletin board, creating a colorful collage of affection. She pretends to be annoyed by the constant stream of paper rings, but deep down, her heart swells with affection for Jisung.

One day, Jisung musters the courage to surprise YN at her house. As he steps into her room, his eyes widen at the sight of the bulletin board adorned with all the paper rings and love notes he had meticulously crafted. Overwhelmed with emotions, he stands there speechless, his heart pounding in his chest.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Jisung lunges forward, pulling YN into a tight embrace. The years of unspoken affection spill forth in that moment—the countless paper rings, the love notes, and the unspoken words of devotion. In that embrace, they both realize the depth of their feelings, and Jisung's silent gestures of love become a testament to the bond they share.

YN, caught off guard by Jisung's sudden embrace, feels a rush of warmth spread through her body. She melts into his arms, her heart beating in sync with his. For the first time, she realizes that the paper rings were not just playful gestures but a profound declaration of love, whispered softly through folded paper.

Jisung holds her tightly, unwilling to let her go. His grip conveys a yearning, a desire to keep her close forever. He whispers words of love, expressing the depth of his emotions that had been hidden for so long. YN, overwhelmed with joy, reciprocates the embrace, feeling a sense of completion in Jisung's arms.

In that moment, they both know that their connection goes beyond simple gestures and secret rituals—it is a love that can withstand any challenge. The years of silent affection have laid the foundation for a love that is pure, honest, and unwavering.

As they cling to each other, time seems to stand still. The outside world fades away, leaving only their hearts beating in harmony. The room is filled with the warmth of their embrace and the unspoken promises of a future filled with love and devotion.

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