chapter 27

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Author pov:

Jin was pacing here and there as the room was pin dropped silence.

Jimin: he sent papers..

Mr Kim: get it here...

Mr Kim said as he was ready to sign it.

Jungkook: uncle don't..!!

Namjoon: jungkook..y/n is important.. it's just one of the company in busan.

Jungkook: no hyung -

Suga: i found her location..

Jimin: location but how..her mobile -

Jungkook: i fixed a tracking device in her chains locket. Where is she hyung..?!

Suga: she in xyz hotel in zzz Street..!!

Jungkook: xyz hotel in zzz Street..

Jungkook mumbled to himself.

Jennie: KAI..!! Oppa Kai is living near to that street..!!

She said gaining everyone's attention, taking her mobile she called her boyfriend after few rings he picked it.

Hobi: put it on speaker..

Jennie: kai..

She said after putting the phone on speaker.

Kai: what's wrong..?! Where are you..?! Why are you calling me this late..?!

Jennie: I'm in home but y/n ..y/n..

Jennie started to panic.

Kai: Jennie don't panic..calm down now tell where is y/n ..?!

Jennie: Jay took her..!

Kai: Jay..?!

Jennie: ahh i can't explain everything to you right now just save y/n she's near to you.

Kai: near to me..!? Where.?

Jennie: in xzy -

Plucking the mobile from Jennie jungkook talked to Kai.

Jungkook: Kai..!! She in xyz hotel..

Kai: xyz hotel..ahh okay I'll call once i reach there..

Jungkook: no don't cut the call..

Kai: oh.. okay.. I'm going..

After 5 mins:

Kai: i reached ..!

Kai exclaimed panting heavily.

Kai walked inside the hotel as the hotel manager greeted him.

Manager: oh.. welcome Kai..

Kai: uncle..!! I want your help..!

He said to the manager casually as they know eachother very well.

Manager: my help..!!

Kai: my student got kidnapped..she in this hotel..

Manager: kidnapped..!! What nonsense are you-

Kai: uncle please it's not nonsense I'm telling the truth...let me prove it. I want the information of your check in's

Manager: we can't give-

Kai: uncle please.. she's in danger..

Manager: follow me.

Y/n pov:

Aghhhhh my head it's throbbing..huh?! What's this sounds.

" Aghh babe slow down "
" Ahh "

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