chapter 5

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I was walking towards y/n room to give her medicine but i heard her talking in phone.

Y/n : Mrs Han please give me sometime I'll be back... please my ankel got sprained...i.... please listen... hello hell-

She tried to speak but couldn't...her eyes were full of tears. She lifted her hand to throw the mobile but couldn't... Her head shifted towards the windows as she mumbled..

Y/n: why....just why...why did you leave me alone in this cruel world....?!

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed making my heart clench. I walked away from there.

Three months after:

Three months has passed y/n got cured no she can walk properly she also wrote her final examinations well. She found a new job in another cafe.

But these three months were enough for Jungkook and his gang to conquer the business world and the mafia world.

A row of 12-13 cars stopped at the entrance of the mansion. There got off the car... The Mafia King Jeon Jungkook, the number one business man in Asia.

 The Mafia King Jeon Jungkook, the number one business man in Asia

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The man every girl dreamed off . The man who all droll over. Every girl are ready to get into his pants....every girl he met had tried to seduce him. Unfortunately he's so loyal to his wife.

He got off the car with his secretary and many officials following him. He sat on the couch like a king. Soobin,his secretary passed him a tablet which shows him the location of his wife. The red spot in the tablet was stuck at the same place from few minutes which made him panic it was very late she usually return home at 5 but now it's 6.

Jungkook: start the car...

The guards shivered at his cold voice as they started the cars.

Y/n pov:

My shift was completed as I was returning home. I miss grandma..

I pouted remember her... I stopped in my track as i saw some men fully covered in black surrounded me...i stared at them as i was scared who are they.... are they Mr Jeon's enemies.....

Author: yes she also knows that jungkook is Mafia King as he was very popular in TV....a mafia who the government supports.....who was legally permitted to punish the bad people.

Back to her pov:

???: Listen girl you know why we are here so don't make a fuss and come with us...

One of the man spoke aiming the gun towards me.

I nodded as i followed them i know Mr Jeon will save me this is not the first time this is happening..i hope this won't get worse.

They took me into a abounded building. One of them held my hand,he pulled me harshly making me hiss as his tight grip.
He tied me to a chair he tied my legs and hands to the chair.

One of them called someone informing about them capturing me.

???: Boss we caught her...

Y/n : hey you didn't caught me I came with you...

I said glaring at him.
He chuckled before coming towards me he bend some before taking..

???: You got some voice huh...?! What's your relationship with Jeon Jungkook...!?

Y/n: i won't tell you..?!

I said turning my head towards another side...

He gripped my jaw tightly before turning my head towards him as he asked again.

???: Tell before i lose my patience....!!! What's your relationship with Jeon Jungkook...?!!

I only hissed at his his grip was so hard i will surely say that it will leave prints on my jaw.

???: Wife.......

I heard a deep voice as i saw Mr Jeon with his group members standing a little far playing with a gun in his hand...

Mr Jeon: she my wife....!!

I could feel this man's hand shaking on my jaw. He slowly let go of my jaw ,soon he took out a gun and pointed towards my head .

Mr Jeon chuckled.

Mr Jeon: just for touching one of my mere property i tortured you boss's brother for 6 months... Before killing him

Mr Park: yah.... it's 8 months...

Mr Jeon: ah...8 months...

He looked at Mr Park before looking in that man's eye with hawks gaze..

Mr Jeon: your touching my Queen i really can't imagine how i will kill you and your boss...

I really can't deny that i felt butterflies all over my stomach. He gaze fell on me making me turn my head towards other side to avoid his gaze.

Mr Min: can stare at your wife in home now take her let's go I'm sleepy.

My cheeks turned red. But i was shocked as the gun on my head got pressed more deeply.

???: I'm ready to die in your hands but I'll take your wife me too...

He said as Jungkook and his friends started laughing before shooting every man in there the man who was holding gun to my head fell down he held his leg .

Mr Jeon came towards me removing the ties in my hand.

Mr Jeon: bring him to my basement.

He ordered his men before he held my hand softly and lead me towards the car.

We both sat in back seat as his friends sat in front seats.

Mr Park: y/n why are outside this late... didn't we tell you come home before 5...?

Y/n: i ... I'm sorry i -

Mr Jeon: did he asked to apologize....?!

He cutted me off as I looked at him with a confused expression.

Mr Jeon: he is just asked the reason for late....!!

Y/n: my co worker came late...

He poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

Mr Jeon: your not going for work from tomorrow..

The car came to a hault as we reached the mansion,he got out off the car and opened the door for me to get down.

Mr Jeon: GO..!

He said in his cold voice as nodded at his words and i walked inside with a pout on my lips.

Lilly: good evening Mrs Jeon.

She greeted me. Yes they are behaving so nice with me...but they won't talk much. Just greetings of a day... They even sometimes offered me to eat but i refused.

Y/n: good evening.

I greeted back. As she smiled at me.

I walked toward my room,i plopped on bed and started of thinking a way to work can he control me that handsome Godzilla....  Bunny faced .... double bunny......cold ass....i cursed him..

Jungkook pov:

I chuckled hearing her cursing at me...what a names... handsome Godzilla....?!  Oh she's accepting that I'm handsome... Bunny faced double bunny huh..?! Cold ass...hmm

Jungkook: your not as innocent as i know how to curse also..!

Jimin: jungkook he's in basement.

The smile on my face replaced by a smirk.

Jungkook: let's go hyung...

He chuckled wrapping his one hand around my shoulder, playfully punching me.

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