Chapter 2.23 MEH (9)

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Sheln questioned as they stopped in front of the two route ways in front of them, "Where should we go into?"

Teams scanned the path from left to right. The two aristocratic brothers exchanged glances before Park do said, "Of course we should go left!" and gestured in that way.

Kleo asked, unsure if they should turn left, "How can you be so sure?"

"You will ultimately locate the exit if you consistently turn in the same direction."

"Or whatever the maze is about finding," said Cheon on his brother's behalf. His brother firmly nodded, and the other teams, Hiroka and the two siblings, sweatdropped on their response.

'You're both telling us that when we came from taking a different routes after following you for the eighth time... Because of both of your reasoning, we kept coming back because we kept going left?!' In their minds, Sheln and Kleo screamed

Hiroka sighed heavily at the reaction of the two siblings. But then, Hiroka sensed a powerful sensation coming from the left way proposed by the two nobles. Hiroka was puzzled and his hair stood on end. He got goosebumps out of nowhere and has no idea why. But Hiroka was curious about what was inside.

"Let's do as they say and go left," Hiroka interrupted the four students' conversation, and Kleo and Sheln were taken aback while the two nobles grinned.

"Should we really go that way? What if it's another back from the beginning?" Kleo asked, doubting Hiroka's statements.

"Hey commoner! All nobles' words are always right," Park growled, and Sheln and Kleo sweatdropped at what he said.

Cheon and Park started walking ahead, leaving them in their wake. Sheln and Kleo just stood there in disbelief. They knew they couldn't disagree with a noble or they'd get into trouble, but they also understood that not all of the noble's remarks were true!

"Don't worry, trust me; this time is different," Hiroka stated to his two siblings.

Kleo and Sheln exchanged glances. They had faith in the person in front of them. They knew he wasn't a nasty guy, and he definitely has more intelligence than the other two.

"It's not that we don't trust you; it's just that it came as a bit of a surprise to us," Kleo explained as he held the back of his head. Sheln agreed to his brother as well.

Hiroka smiled and began walking to the left, followed by the two siblings and, of course, the Professor, who had been following their hunt efforts.


"This is..." Sheln said slowly, unable to finish because of what she was seeing right now.

"Are we really going to kill...t-that?" Kleo asked, surprised.

"Many... There are too many goblins in there," Park began to sweat, as did Cheon, who peered into the wide place.

"There are about twenty of them," Hiroka stated solemnly. Hiroka had no idea how many people the Heroine and his team had slain. As expected of the Heroine, but slaughtering twenty goblins with only five members in one team is a bit much.

Hiroka's team was now hiding behind a wall. Taking a look around a large area. A wooden box sat on the hard floor front of them, visible through the monsters.

"Brother, there it is," Sheln pointed to the wooden box, which drew the attention of the two nobles and piqued their interest.

'There is no way that is a treasure,' Hiroka thought. He definitely remembered from the novel that there is no treasure, or was there?

In any case, even if they coveted that wooden box, they couldn't kill all the goblins or pass past them and grab it with their numbers.

"I suggest we turn around and pretend we didn't see it," Sheln, scared of their numbers, said. Kleo agreed and held her shoulder to calm her down.

"I don't think we can kill them all..." Kleo stated solemnly.

"No way, this is our chance," Cheon and Park bravely exclaimed.

The two nobles attempted to draw their swords from their sheaths while they were concealed behind a wall but Hiroka stopped them.

"We'll be seen if you continue, so stop."

Hiroka has just come to the realization that goblins are renowned for their adoration of silver, gold, and jewels with high monetary values. Goblins would fight to the death to protect their goods, yet they have little to no trouble stealing other people's valuables and even take a gleeful thrill in doing so. And when it comes to metal sounds, their hearing is particularly acute. So when there are numerous goblins ahead, drawing a high quality sword is not a good idea especially when your small in numbers and a beginner too. And if goblins caught wind of these two lords' fine swords, that will not be good for them. They'll be pursued until they die.

Thinking back to the previous goblin hunt. Always the first to be attacked are Cheon and Park.

Hiroka spoke to the two nobles, "Lord Do's, I request you should not sheathe your swords," which attracted the attention of those around.

"W-what? You scared too?" asked Park.

Cheon: "Commoner, don't order us around."

Hiroka can't help but twitch, "I didn't order you, just a simple request. I request you both not to unsheath your swords or else you'll also get us dragged in your own stupidity."

Cheon stared at him fiercely, "Hah! did you just call us stupid?" He unintentionally took his sword out of the sheath out of his fury.

Hiroka yelled fiercely, "Now you've done it!"

Soon after Hiroka finished speaking, someone nearby screamed, "@#&£€$!"


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