(What's that?)

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As soon as I wake up from my nap, I stretch my arms out and yawn loudly.
I look at the bright sky before getting up, starting to wander the forest in hopes I'll find somewhere I can make shelter.. or possibly find a cave I can stay in until I get found again.
As I walked through the forest, I saw birds, deer, even a few snakes and lizards that gave me a jump as I was walking.
I was following the river before coming across something...it was huge and red... I can't really tell what it is from where I'm at, though.
I slowly start to walk toward it, my mind immediately thinking,'This is a bad idea...what is that.. I can't tell. What if it could kill you...Katsuki stop walking, you're dead meat' my thoughts sure as hell weren't helping my situation.
As I slowly got closer to the red figure, I finally realized what it was...my eyes shot wide, in pure shock and slight fear.

My Idiot Dragon Where stories live. Discover now