("You Idiot")

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《Katsuki's POV:》
My eyes widened in shock as I finally grew closer to the creature..it was a dragon. He was red, scaly, and seemed to be injured.
He growled at me, which made me a bit nervous.
I kept getting closer and closer..within every step He growled louder and more aggressively.
I soon spoke, not in my usual tone though..I spoke in a soft, aggressive yet caring and worried tone.
"Sh sh...I'm not gonna hurt you. Easy easy, I'm here to help," I told him, reassuringly as I approached him slowly.
Once I got close enough to him, I had a look at his wing. It was ripped pretty badly..and he was bleeding a decent amount. "Jeeze bud..I bet this hurts pretty bad doesn't it?" I say as if he'd answer.
I soon pull his wing out and set it put flat on the forest floor. "You Idiot...how'd you even manage to let those assholes shoot you down huh?" I scoff as I take out a needle and thread for stitching up wounds.
I grab the split parts of his wing and pull then together as he roars out in pain. "Calm down, sh sh.." I try calming him as I rub his side softly.
I grab my needle and start to stitch up his wound. He growls and roars in pain as if telling me to stop. "I can't bud...let me fix this. If I get it stitched up then it should heal faster..and properly you dumbass" I say once again as if he'd magically reply.
I finished stitching his wound as o grabbed my water and cleaned up the excess blood around it. He seemed better and wasn't being as loud.
I scoffed in disbelief...I just found a dragon ..I thought they were extinct.
I shake my head and laugh to myself. "God...I can't believe one of the rarest creatures was dumb enough to let himself get shot so many times" I say, practically making fun of him as he snorts and blows hot air from his nose and into my face. I laugh, "idiot" I call him as treat him as if he'd talk once again..but before I knew it my eyes were wide in shock and confusion.
"What the fuck...how is this possible..?"

My Idiot Dragon Where stories live. Discover now