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[《| Time skip |》]

《Katsuki's POV:》

It's been about a month and a half now since I've known the dragon. His name is Kirishima, and he's my age in human years.. but he's a lot older in dragon years.
Him and I have been doing pretty well and have gotten closer. Our relationship is stronger and we've become inseparable.
Kirishim's wing still wasn't fully healed, but the stitching definitely helped a lot.
Every night Kiri helps me start a fire and cook our food. Once we're done he usually wraps his healthy wing around me to keep me warm through the night.
[《| Time skip, again |》]
One day Kirishima and I were walking around the forest as we came upon a lake. Kirishima decided to get into the water and splashed me, I laughed of course. I got in with him and we messed around then relaxed in the sun afterwards. All of a sudden we heard a loud ¡BANG¡ it spooked us and we looked around. I noticed Kirishima was shaking in fear...it's probably because he's been shot before..he knows that sound...I quickly started pushing him away from the gun shots. I was trying to figure out how I could hide him..god it was difficult to hide a dragon in the forest.

《Kiri's POV:》 As I was getting pushed away, my body was trembling. I was so afraid of getting shot again that I couldn't really move. I noticed there was no where I could hide..I was just too big. In an instant I turned to my human form and was hugging Katsuki without even realizing it until I felt the warm embrace of his arms wrapping around me.

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