(Stupid Dragon Boy)

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《Katsuki's POV:》
My eyes widened as I blushed hard, looking at his body..'how is this even possible!?' I thought to myself before yelling at him and looking away, flustered as hell before I threw my red cape at his stupid face. "PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON YOU IDIOT!!" I yelled and pushed my cape into his face, causing him to back up before he could hug me.
I watched as he looked at me confused on what to do with my cape.
I rolled my eyes, grabbed some extra pants I had in my bag and threw them at him.
"Put these on idiot. Look, your legs" I explained, pointing at my pants.
"Then put this on over your shoulders, just for extra cover ok dumbass?" I scoffed as I wrapped my cape around his shoulders and tied it over him.
He looked at me, so happily...what's his deal?
I mean, I know the whole "dragon owth" that supposedly happens when you rescue a dragon. Apperently after you rescue them they "owe you their life" wich is so dumb and dramatic. 'Tch, stupid dragon' I think to myself silently as I watch him smile warmly at me as he nuzzles his nose into my cape, smelling my scent on it.
"Do I smell good idiot? Tch- weirdo" I scoff as I set my stuff down and start building a fire

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