Chapter 2 (The Dragons Defender)

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《Kirishim's POV:》
I was wondering around some small mountains, hills, villages, etc.
I got a bit hungry as I explored these territories, so I decided to take a look from the sky to see what prey I could find. As I was looking, I came across a herd of deer.
I waited until the perfect moment before swooping down and grabbing the biggest one with my claws. The deer grunted in pain as my claws dug into its skin, causing it to bleed.
I flew for a bit longer as the deer finally died in my claws. Once it died I gently landed and started to eat my meal.
My meal had made me awfully thirsty after finishing it, so I flew up in the sky once more to get to a stream, or creek.
All of a sudden I heard a loud *Bang!* but little did I know...I had been shot. How did I not feel it!? Why didn't it hurt!? I was obviously bleeding and my wing now had a hole in it.
I kept flying, ignoring the hole in my wing before *BANG* Another bullet puncturing my wing...'my wings are big...I should be fine' I thought to myself before *BANG, BANG, BANG* three more holes now punctured my wing...before I knew it I was falling.

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