(Stand your ground)

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《Katsuki's POV:》
I held the redhead in my arms as he slept. I soon heard more gunshots. One of the gunshots was so close to us that it scared the redhead wide awake. He popped up in shock as he looked around for the person who was shooting our way. I held my sword tight in my hand as I stood my ground, protecting the redhead. A few minutes had passed and it was dead silent. I still stood my ground though..Kirishima, behind me was clearly on edge. He looked ready to attack. After a about 5 minutes a man walked into the cave..I could almost see him. He soon yelled, "Hey you there!! You seen a dragon around here? We're huntin one we shot down a few days ago. Can't seem to find him...we saw him run off with some human though" he continued to walk closer and closer. "Dragons are worth a shit of a fortune these days aren't they bu-" he stopped. I stood still and stared at him. The sunlight that seeped into the cave barely hitting the blade of my sword causing it to shine. He saw I was armed. As I watched him I soon saw a sly grin slowly appear across his face before he hollered. "Hey
Akio!! I found the fucker that's tryna take credit for our shot!!" I then heard another voice in response coming from behind the man. "I can't see shit Rico! Who's the duche that took our hunt. That hunt was worth a lot of cash." Some woman said. She seemed like a bitch. After a few seconds Kirishima growled and smoke surrounded him. I knew what that meant...he shifted to his dragon form, obviously getting ready to fight for me. "I didn't steal shit you idiots! Now fuck off!" I yelled as they came closer to me, ignoring my weapon. As soon as they got closer Kirishima pulled his cheeks back and revealed his teeth as his mouth started to flare up with fire. He then breathed out causing the fire to shoot out from his mouth. All I could hear were the loud flames and a scream or obvious pain. I could feel the heat, blaring in my face. I looked at Kirishima and rubbed his chest from where I could reach. I tried to calm him and have him be more subtle. He then calmed and relaxed. "That fucker burned my arm!" The guy yelled in agony.

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