(Setting up Camp)

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《Katsuki's POV:》
I walked away from the dragon as I grabbed as much wood as I could.
I chuckled to myself as I saw the dragon carrying wood as well.
I put my wood in the fireplace that was already here. Someone must've camped here as well.
After I set the wood down, I grabbed my lighter and some old paper before lighting the paper on fire and putting it under the logs. I groaned when it wouldn't stay lit.

《Kirishim's POV:》
I chuckled to myself as I watched the blonde struggle to start the fire, so I decided to help a bit.
I gave a small spit and shot some fire into the pit. It started pretty quickly, but when I smiled at the human, his face was grumpy as if he was angry that I did it for him.

《Katsuki's POV:》
The dragon lit the fire for me...not gonna lie it was impressive, but I could've done it myself.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes before pulling a pot out of my bag as well as some fish that I caught from a while ago.
I stuck them on some rods that I had and put them over the fire to cook. It smelled delicious.
I sat near the fire and put my hands out, trying to keep warm as it was getting chilly since the sun started going down.
I shivered a bit as I sat there.
"Shit, it's cold..."
I say as I shiver again, goosebumps rushing down my spine.

《Kirishim's POV:》
I noticed the blonde shivering as he waited for our food to cook.
I walked over to him and wrapped my arm, as well as his cape around him, trying to warm him up.
He didn't seem to mind it.. surprisingly.
He leaned into my side and gently closed his eyes as the fish cooked.
I watched the fire, my heart felt warm and happy as the blonde rested on my side.
He closed his eyes and calmed his breathing before the fish was done.
As soon as the fish was done, I grabbed it and started eating mine while I handed the blonde his as I watched him eat it peacefully and tiredly.

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