(Stand your ground) part 2

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《Katsuki's POV:》
I snickered under my breath hearing the man yell in pain. Before I knew it though his partner had come running at me and Kirishima, weapon in hand. She was prepared to shoot. I immediately put my sword up and told Kirishima to use his wing as protection. He growled at me in response as his mouth began to flare up again. The girl..Rico, I assumed her name was due to hearing the man yell a name soon before. Kirishima's eyes glowed red, reflecting beautifully from the sunlight that barely seeped into the cave. I stepped back, sword still in hand and ready to attack. Kirishima's growl grew louder as he hissed. The woman stopped and turned back to her partner, grabbing him by his arm and quickly dragging him out of the cave. (He had already got the fire off him). After they left, fog surrounded Kirishima once more as I saw his toothy smile and stupid tail sway behind him. He reached out to me and hugged me tight. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, slowly dropping my sword and hugging him back. "You idiot..didn't need to do that. Good boy for scaring off those cowards though" I said softly but sternly as I gave a soft smiled and rubbed his head, sort of massaging his scalp and running my fingers through his soft red hair..gently touching his slightly swirled black horns every now and then.

《Kirishima's POV:》
I bombarded the ash-blonde into one of my hugs, giving him my signature toothy smile. My tail swayed behind me as I wrapped my arms around him and giggled at his words. I didn't care for talking as much due to my English. It wasn't amazing. I felt kind of stupid and foolish when I tried to speak the way he spoke. I soon pulled away from him, smiling all the while. Though, I nuzzled my head into his soft, gentle touch as he practically massaged my head. I gave a soft purr and slightly low growl in consent as I rubbed my head into his hand. In return I could practically sense his gorgeous smile. I heard his soft chuckle as I practically acted like a helpless puppy, begging for its owners attention. "Kat soft...mmh..hands feel nice in Kiri hair" I hummed as my tail swayed more. I could feel my eyes grow slightly heavy as I grew tired due to using so much energy just by blowing my fire. It took a lot to do..in order too I had to heat up my lungs, hold the fire in my nose and the back of my throat before releasing and breathing it all out. Ontop of that I was still sore and not used to using fire. After I used my fire, the smoke from it typically lingered in my nose as well, causing me a terrible smell. But with Bakugo around it didn't do that...all I could smell was sweet caramel and what seemed to be..oranges?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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